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A/N: Can we all appreciate how funny is this scene is. This is why i love Kaidou. He's such a smol bean uwu.

Also this fanfic will follow the original storyline of The disastrous life of Saiki.K but i'll made some few changes.


Y/N's POV:

Today is just a normal day. This is my second day of school. We have PE today. Great. i'm not the best in sports and i hated doing physical activities. (If you do like sports or anything physical, then skip that part.). I went to the girls change rooms and i changed into my sport attires. We then met outside with our PE teacher, Mr. Matsuzaki.

"Today, we'll be playing dodgeball and you'll be separated into 2 teams." Nendo and our class representative who is Hairo stepped in and they choose different people.

I ended up with Nendo , and Kaidou which is fine by me. I find them fun and hilarious. Hairo, Saiki and Teruhashi ended in the same team. For some reason, i felt something off about Teruhashi. Like there's something behind her glowing beauty. I ignore those thoughts and i focus on the game.

So far, Nendo is surprisingly good. Pretty much, he got most of Hairo's team out well Saiki is still there and Teruhashi.

It was Kaidou's turn to throw the ball. *plays judgement knights of thunder *

"Take this, Meteor sparks genocide ball!!" He then aimed for Saiki but then, he made a 'ooph' sound when he threw the ball. Saiki caught the ball easily. There we're whispers around that 'he throws like a girl' or some whatnot. I came up to him and comforted him.

"It's ok Kaidou-kun, you did good." I gave him a pat in the back for comfort and i gave him a smile. He turned his head and smiled back at me.

Ok so it was Saiki-chan's turn to throw the ball but he ended up hitting three people at one. Everyone at Hairo's team cheered at him. He then throws the ball at Nendo but he caught it. When Saiki was about to walk off, Hairo catched the ball which exposing his ass. He then got up and cough of blood.

Then everyone started praising Hairo and stuff so it's only Saiki and teruhashi left. It was my turn to throw the ball. I aimed at the blueberry girl and throw it as hard as i can. As the ball was about to hit her, a group of boys came in front and ended up defending her. I hit one of the boys and they all gather at Teruhashi and asked if she was ok or some shit whatnot.

Then all the boys glared at me. Teruhashi smirked and aimed the ball at me. She threw it and ended up hitting my face hard. I fell off afterwards making me land in my ass. Nendo immediately came up to me and helped me up.

"Are you ok new pal?" Nendo asked me worriedly.
"Yeah i'm fine, i'll just sit down until the pain goes away." I smiled and sat down to a near bench.

I feel like Teruhashi did that on purpose. The game was over and Hairo's team won. I got up and walked off. I felt a grip on my wrist i turned around and it's Saiki.

"Are you ok Y/N?" His voice is monotone and stern, but it felt like he's talking inside my head. He didn't even moved his mouth.
"Yeah Sai-chan i'm fine, you don't need to worry about me." I gave him a reassuring smile. He griped his hand tighter.
"Are you sure? Are you hurt?"
"Yes Sai-chan i'm fine, and i'm not hurt. I need to get changed." He let go of my wrist and i went to the girls change room. I got change to my normal uniform and the bell rang.

*time skip recess/ free time idk*

It's finally recess. I walked to the girls bathroom and did my business. As i washed my hands, Teruhashi then came out of nowhere and greeted me with a smile.

"Hi L/N i'm sorry about earlier in PE." She apologize.
"It's fine."
"Hey can i tell you something?" I nodded. Then good side suddenly change and she slapped me across my face, she gave me a dirty look.

"Listen bitch, stay away from Saiki he's mine. Just because you two are childhood friends doesn't mean that you should always be close to him. I'm warning you bitch, if you lay a finger on him, i swear i'll make your life a living hell." I ended up being in the corner and Teruhashi glared at me.

"Ok how about you listen up." I stood up and faced her.

"How about you stop being such a little prick. Just because you're the 'perfect girl' that everyone is talking about, doesn't mean you come up to me and threaten the fuck out of me. I've been through a lot of shit and believe me, my life is a living hell. Now you can't boss me around and be a bitch to me all the time so i suggest you stay the hell away from me."  I glared at her and i walked away from the bathroom.

Since i'm with no one, i went to the rooftop and i ate my coffee jelly in peace.

Saiki's POV:

I'm stuck at the canteen with 2 idiots sitting with me. Since i didn't pay any attention what they are saying, i just ate my food in piece. Then all of a sudden, i heard a thought, a really pissed one.

'L/N...that bitch will fucking pay...i'll make her life worse than hell...she won't touch my Saiki-kun' It is coming from Teruhashi, she looked angry and irritated. She then smiled when she's about to come to my table.

I stood up and i left the cafeteria. I went to the boys bathroom. I used my clairvoyance to find Y/N, she's on the rooftop eating a coffee jelly. She's already making me hungry. I heard her thoughts.

'Man what the hell was that blue-haired bitch's deal? She such a Yandare when it comes to Sai-chan.  Bitch please she thinks i'm gonna listen to her warning. I knew there something off about her...'

I teleported to the stairs so i looked like i walked all the way to the rooftop. I opened the door and Y/N got startled.

"Sai-chan? What are you doing here?" She tilted her head in confusion.
"I wanna go to the rooftop for some alone time." I replied.
"Ok then, wanna seat with me? and we can eat coffee jelly together." I can't say no to coffee jelly. I sat next to her and she handed me a coffee jelly.
"You know, you always looked cute when you eat coffee jelly." She giggled and i glared at her. Y/N playfully rolled her eyes at me.
"What happened to you in recess?" I asked.
"Well i was in the bathroom then Teruhashi came out of nowhere and she threaten about me being close to you just because we're childhood friends. I stood up and i told her off to stay away from me. Why did you asked me this?" She explained.
"Teruhashi looked angry and pissed earlier that's all." I shrugged.
"I have a new name for her, blueberry bitch." She laughed while i stayed quiet. I mean she can be a brat sometime and i can agree to her. But i'll let Y/N do all of the roasting.
"I didn't know that girls can be a yandare because of you, i guess you can be that attractive." She playfully hit my arm and laughed. I don't know why Yumehara and Teruhashi have a crush on me but they made my life even more painful. They're more annoying than Nendo and Kaidou combined.
"I'm not that attractive." I replied.
"Yeah sure, you just haven't seen yourself in the mirror." A chuckle escaped in her lips. I rolled my eyes and continue eating my coffee jelly.
"I should give you coffee jelly everyday."
"Are you a Goddess?"
"Hmmm maybe." She smirked and she went on her phone.
"We should meet up in the rooftop cause it's peaceful in here." Y/N suggested.
"Yeah i guess we should." I shrugged.

The bell rang and we both head back to class. Kaidou, Nendo and Teruhashi came up to us.

"Hey pal, where have you been?"
"Saiki, where were you?"
"Are you alone with Y/N?"

I ignore all their question and i heard a really annoying thought.

'That bitch, i'll make her suffer .'  I looked at Teruhashi who is eyeing Y/N right now. I have to protect Y/N from this girl. Good grief.

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