f o u r 🍮

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Y/N's POV:

Today is the day, sports festival. To be honest, i couldn't care less about winning or loosing, i just wanted this day to end already. I went to school with my parents with me. Mum and dad looked way too excited to see me. Even dad brought a camera. I went to my class which is class 2-3. Everyone weared their sport attire and a yellow headband around their heads.

"C'mon class 3! lets do our best!!" Hairo cheered and so everyone else followed by. Class one is the red headbands every student in that class is an intellectual, class 2 is the blue headbands and they have the most athletic students, class 4 is the green headbands but they are the smart ones and class 5 is the white headband also 80% of their class is wearing glasses.

"Everyone our first activity is the boys 100m run." The speaker spoke up. Sai-chan is the runner in our class. Everyone cheered for him and so did i.

"C'mon Sai-chan you can do this!" i yelled through all the cheering of our class. Saiki looked at the corner of his eyes and smiled a tiny bit.

And so the race is on. Saiki ended up in third place. Everyone came up to him and praised him. I came up to him and gave him a pat in the back.

"Good job, Sai-chan at least you got third place." I gave him a smile. He nodded.

Kaidou is the next running for the 100m run in our class.....ding...He ended up being fifth place.

"Good job Shun, i know you'll do better next time!" I cheered him up.
"Thanks Y/N." He gave me a smile in return.

"We gotta get our scores higher in the next event." Hairo said.

"It is time for our next activity, the three legged race!" The announcer spoke.

"This is my go." As Nendo about to stand up, a guy already stopped him. I looked at him confused. Being honest, i haven't seen this guy before and i haven't seen him on class. He looks like one of those supporting characters in the manga or in anime.

"Who are you?" I asked the guy who is staring out of nowhere like he's having an introduction or something. Then blueberry bitch came up to him. Oh that's why he wanted to go. I rolled my eyes at her annoying beauty.

"Lets win this together." Blueberry bitch softly spoke while she hold this guys hand.

"If we win this, lets celebrate just the two of us hehe." She annoyingly giggled at the end and i'm pretty sure this guy is filled with happiness.

"On your marks, get set, GO!" After the trigger was pulled, Suddenly the guy carried blueberry bitch bridal style and ran as fast as he could. He ended up being first place. Everyone in my class started to talk about how fast the guy is.

"Our next activity is the scavenger hunt." The announcer spoke again.

Nendo is the one who is gonna do it in our class.

"Come on Nendo, you can do this!" Hairo cheered and i cheered with him.
"Ready, steady GO!" After the trigger being pulled, Nendo was fast. I didn't know he can ran that fast. He's in first place and he made it. He grabbed a piece of paper which tells him what to do.

He then ran towards our class. Hairo handed him a ratchet.

"No not that, this." He then came to Saiki and took one of his hairpin out. All of a sudden, Saiki fell unconscious. I ran up to him and i catched his fall.

"SAIKI!" Everyone yelled.

I turned his body around and his eyes are white while there was a drool coming out of his mouth. (like the top photo/ GIF soz i suck at describing)

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