s e v e n 🍮

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A/N: This scene is one of my favorites in the new season of Saiki K (Reawakening). This shows how much Nendo cares for Saiki. This is why i love Nendo and it is such a shame that the series is over T-T. Now i'm missing this series everyday and i felt like i'm stuck on a void ;-;. So yea, i'll rewatch this amazing series until i finish this book. Anyways, lets go to the chapter and you can watch the video whatever you want.


Y/N's POV:

Great. Another lovely day at School. At least i can see Sai-chan, Nendo-kun and Shun everyday. But i have to see 'little miss perfect' AKA Blueberry bitch everyday too. Wow literally she's such a pain in the ass. Her charms don't even work at Sai-chan so what the hell is she even talking about me taking him away from her? Oh well she can glare at me whenever she want but i have my own ways.

I'm just walking to school as usual. Nendo and Shun came up to me and greeted their good mornings as usual. Well this day is just been the same, old usual.

We made it to class and we went to Sai-chan's table. We're just talking about random crap and Sai-chan looks irritated as usual. See? nothing out of the unusual happens. I wish something unusual happens.

"Hey Y/N, can we talk somewhere private?" A voice came which made my head turn to Shun. Everyone went quiet when he said those words. Even Sai-chan paid attention.

"Ohhh, i wonder what is it about?" Nendo snickered while patting Shun's baby blue hair.
"Shut up you Baka!" Shun yelled at Nendo. We started walking out of the classroom. I looked at the corner of my eye and Shun is sweating a lot in nervousness. I wonder what is about?

Saiki's POV:

When Y/N and Kaidou left the room, i feel some kind of feeling. This 'feeling' makes me mad for some reason. Like Y/N shouldn't be alone with Kaidou and that she should hangout with me. That sounded clingy but i'm not feeling that, it's something else. This 'feeling' is making me act out of character.

When Y/N and Kaidou came back, i sighed in relief. Sometimes, this 'feeling' kept coming whenever Y/N is with Kaidou. I don't know why this is happening to me. Usually, i couldn't care less about what Y/N is usually doing. I noticed that Y/N is close to Kaidou lately. I

Remember the chapter when Y/N and Kaidou went to the cafe? Yea i was there too. So in that time, i was helping Hairo with the sports festival pedestol. Since he took long, i teleported to an empty ally way and i blend in with a crowd. I went to cafe mami to get myself their coffee jelly. I went to my usual spot but i realized that Y/N and Kaidou are next to my spot. Good thing they didn't noticed me. So i listened through their conversation. Listening to their conversation makes this 'feeling' stronger. I mean she's just wanna know Kaidou more that's all. But my curiosity getting the best of me, i still listened. When they left the cafe, i went back the the same ally way and teleported back to school.

To make this long story short, i'm a bit jealous. This 'feeling' is actually jealousy. So yeah you pretty much wasted your time reading reading the last paragraph.

I mean i've been acting out lately. Sometimes i would give Kaidou a side stare. Good thing, he didn't noticed. I already know that Y/N noticed my act lately. I can read her mind and she's thinking of talking to me about it. But i don't know when she'll do that. Anyways back to reality....

I'm still at my seat while Y/N, Kaidou and Nendo are around me. I still didn't pay attention to their conversation. Anyways, i hope this day is already over.

*le time skip brought to you by coffee jelly-chan, Saiki's one true pairing uwu*

It's lunch time and well everything is normal and nothing out of the usual. I'm walking to the rooftop. Y/N wants me to talk about my act lately. So i did follow what she did. I went to the roof top but she isn't there. I waited for her so i sat in one of the guard railing. Y/N then opened the rooftop door. I turned my head and her face looked worried.

"Sai-chan, why are you sitting on the guard railing? You might fall." Y/N asked worriedly.
"Don't worry, i wont fell." I got off the guard railing so i don't make her worry.
"Anyways, you know why i'm here." I nodded.
"Can you please tell me why are you acting strange around Shun?" Well i guess i have no choice.

(after the explanation i'm such a lazy bitch ;-;)

"Oh." Was all she can say.
"That's why." I replied with my deadpan expression.
"You don't need to be jealous, you know that you'll always be my best friend. If you're a psychic or an alien or whatever, you're still my best friend no matter what." Then she hugged me. I hugged her back. I liked her hugs. Her hugs are different from everyone else. I don't let anyone hug me really but i just let Y/N hug me. I enjoy her hugs. We then pulled away.
"Are you ok Sai-chan? When i mentioned psychic, you suddenly flinched."
"Yes i'm fine." I gave her my emotionless look.
"Ok if you said so, anyways i was late because i got us some coffee jelly. This is for you." She handed me the delicious dessert.

"Hehe, i always love your look when i gave you coffee jelly." She giggled. For some reason, she sounded so cute.
"Anyways, lets eat!" She then sat next to me and we both ate our coffee jelly in the peaceful atmosphere.

'If she only knew that i'm really am a psychic, but i don't wanna ended up her being hurt because of me....'

『just a normal psychic | k. saiki』Where stories live. Discover now