f o u r t e e n 🥺💗

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A/N: Heyo! I'm not dead and it's been a week since posting the previous chapter. Hope y'all like this valentine chapter. I'ma be lonely this year and watch couples falling in love and stuff while i'ma sit far and make me feel shit inside. Anyways, have a good valentines day everyone. Also, TY for 500 reads!!! uwu


Saiki's POV:

Today is valentines day. Good grief, i just don't get this day at all. All i see is people falling in love on the outside but on in the inside there's hidden jealousy, sadness, guilt and regret building up. I never experienced falling in love before, i usually don't see someone attractive and they're not really my type. Take Teruhashi for example, she's the 'perfect girl' that every boy is obsessed about and she has a crush on me. On the outside, she's the usual 'perfect girl' you see but on the inside, i seen her flawed yet true side. This  why i can't fall in love. I already seen sides of people that i don't wanna see.

Right now, i'm walking to school with a pervert Toritsuka. He just tagged along with me without permission so he just came up to me and talked about his perverted mind that i don't need to hear or see.

"I wonder how many chocolates i can get today?" Toritsuka asked me which i don't care about.
"I mean, i helped a lot of girls carying their bags, right?" Toritsuka started to have a flashback on his head.

Well from his flashback, i don't think anyone needs his help. Yep as usual, he wants attention from girls and he's a pervert.

I walked away from him not wanting to hear his perverted mind not one bit.

Finally i made it to school. Goddamn, that walk was a big pain in the ass. Well i'll just go to my class and sit down. I'll wait until class starts. When i walked in, there was a few people including Kaidou and Nendo. I guess i got here too early. Kaidou and Nendo turned their heads at me and they came up to me. It's too early for this crap.

"Hey Saiki, i can feel the disturbance of the wind, i want you to come along with me." Kaidou is being delusional as usual. I ignore him and i sat down to my seat. Nendo then came up to me.

"Hey pal, wanna catch some bugs before class starts?" Nendo is always an idiot. I didn't even bother to answer them both. I then saw something with my x-ray vision under my desk. I pulled it out whatever it's inside. Once i started to see it, it's a cup container with a note in it.

"Hey pal, you got a valentines gift!" Nendo yelled which made Kaidou instantly turned around at me and gave me a smile.

I rolled my eyes at them and i looked at the cup container. I opened the note and it says:

Hey, i know how much you love coffee jelly so i made you a homemade coffee jelly. It took me a lot of time to perfect the flavor just like your favorite coffee jelly that you always buy. Anyways, i hope you like this "valentine gift" i gave you. Anyways, meet me at the roof top after school.

- you already know who is this so can't be bothered putting my name here so bye :)

I opened the container and the note sure is right, there was coffee jelly there. It has even whipped cream on top of it. I grabbed a spoon that is under my desk and ate my coffee jelly. I took a bite and i felt the jelly dancing inside my mouth.

This homemade coffee jelly isn't that bad. Not too sticky, not too watery, it's just right. The whipping cream tasted great with the jelly. Is she a Goddess? If so, i wouldn't mind her making coffee jelly for me everyday. I loved this coffee jelly. Just as i was enjoying this amazing coffee jelly, Y/N came in and joined us.

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