Chapter 7

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Ignore the mistakes plz.

Jungkook was now on his business trip and every night after his work day he came to hotel he took a shower and had dinner and then he call taehyung to talk to him. It's refreshing to talk about his day to taehyung and listening to taehyung's babbling about something happen on his day.

Today he came late at hotel because of some complications that occur in bussiness. He just took a shower now contemplating if he should call taehyung or not. He wants to talk to taehyung so bad so just decided to message taehyung to check if he's awake or not.

Hey, Are you there?

Was waiting for you though.

Sorry. Just came at a hotel a little before.
Can i call you? Or you want to sleep.

It's okay.
And yes you can call i am not sleepy yet.

Taehyung gets a call from jungkook and he picked up instantly. He was waiting for jungkook's call for almost two hours. He is so used to talk to jungkook every night he couldn't sleep. He thought jungkook might be tired so that's why he did'nt call, he was ready to go to bed.

(Jungkook : italics)
(Taehyung : Normal)

"Hey Tae" jungkook greeted.
"I hope i didn't disturb you."
Taehyung hear jungkook said.
"Hello No you didn't i was waiting for your call. I thought you already asleep." Taehyung smile.

"No i wasn't i just came late, there was a problem at work so it took a while to fix it."
"Then you must be tired you should sleep. Did you had a dinner?"
Taehyung asked making jungkook smile at his concern voice.

"Yeah i just ate and yes i am a little tired but it's okay i want to talk with you." Taehyung blushed and smile.
"So how was your day?" He asked.
"It was okay but father called me today. He said they are gonna fix a wedding date when i will come."

"Yes dad told me too." Smile was adorning both of their faces. There was a comfortable silence which jungkook cut it.
"Tae?" Taehyung hummed.
"Are you sure you want to marry me? Once the date will fix there is no going back." Jungkook asked in a serious voice.

"I am happy with you jungkook. You are everything i want in a partner" taehyung said with a shy smile. "Are you happy with me?

There was a silence for seconds then came jungkook reply. "I am more than happy to spend my life with you" taehyung knows jungkook is smiling.
"When will you come back? I miss you" taehyung whisper at the last with a blush whising jungkook didn't heard but fortunately he heard and smile so big his cheeks hurt. He bite his lips and said.

"Two more days the meetings are almost done." Taehyung hummed.
"And tae-I miss you too, Can't wait to see you again" taehyung blushed and said. "I am waiting come fast, and take care of yourself. Goodnight."
"Hmm you too. Goodnight tae"

That night they sleep with a smile on their faces thinking about each other. With a racing heart they imagine their future together.

The Kim family was getting ready to go to jeon's. Jungkook came last night from the trip and Mr. Jaehwan invited them to fix the wedding date. They were currently in the car and taehyung couldn't wait to meet jungkook again. He was so excited for the marriage date too.

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