The Caution

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Star and Marco are having a conversation in Marco's house about Seth's return from death that they have to protect their daughters Cressida,Aurora & Elizabeth,but Star has an idea.

"Hey Marco how about we put our daughters from our past selfs?"Star ask Marco.

"I dunno about that,wait so you're saying that if we had to continue this war,we had to protect the babies first?"Marco asked, Star nodded even for their safety.

Marco agreed so they went to Marco's room to see the babies playing with their toys on the floor Star kneeled at the babies and hugged them.

"Sorry,but its for your safety." Star whispered while hugging them,Marco impact their stuff and Star is still giving kisses on the forehed.

(Cause Star has her cheekmarks back,because the magic is really her)

"Ready?" Marco asked,Star stood up carrying Crissida.

"Marco can you help me carry Aurora and Lizzie please?" Star asked while carrying Cressie and their stuff,
"Ok." Marco answered, he carried Aurora and Lizzie at cloudy and so is Star to.

Marco opened the portal to the plains of time, they jumped into the portal,Star sae Father Time was on the wheel of progress turing the wheel clockwise on the mud with the time hamsters rolling wit him.

"Father Time!" Star called Father Time.
"Oh hey Star and Marco what I could help you with?" Father Time asked.
"We need you to put us back at our teenage selfs." Star said with a straight face because she taught that Father Time would give us some distractions.
"Follow me." Father Time said, as he guided them to the place full of krystals and time portals,the babies are amazed at the veiw they had.

Lizzie crawled to the edge of cloudy and a little step further,she fell from cloudy then Star catch Lizzie with a phew after she catched her.
"That was close." Star said while booping her nose and just carry her while they are still walking.

"Are we almost there?" Marco asked.
"We are here!" Father Time said.

"Pick your timeline." Father Time said as he pointed one of the time portals.
Star and Marco looked at each other and back at the portal their choosing

"What about that one?" Star asked as she pointed the portal.
"Ok." Marco answered.

And they jumped into the portal when they were 14.

(Hello guys this now my 2nd story so,obviously I gave a tired hand I need to rest BAI!!!!!!)

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