Hour of Awkwardness

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Star and Marco are still watching the babies as Elizabeth was sleeping on her past-mother's lap at the living room while Marco's parants was buying some grocery, both sitting on the couch,Marco was still watching the babies and thinking at the same time.

"Um, Marco you okay?" Star ask Marco with some concern.
"Uh, yeah!" Marco said still watching the babies playing their toys.
Star is thinking to say something to Marco to avoid his problem about them.
"You know? Our future-daughters are very cute after all." Star said with a fake smile.
Marco's eyes widen when he hears the word 'Our',he has to think of something to talk without freaking out.
"Yeah, I guess they are pretty cute after all." Marco said with a confused face.
"Hey! Don't act like you are afraid of something between us I know that look when I see it, and by the way we really like each other after all,I mean in the future right?" Star said trying to make a point.
"You know what? You're right,I should not be over reacting you know,thanks." Marco said with a little smile.
"That's what besties for...uh, I mean..." Star said stammers with a blush.
"Heheh I know." Marco said as he looked at their babies sleeping on the floor,Marco pick them up and put them at their sides and some of them are on their lap,they cover them with some blankets, after some time Star sleep on Marco's shouldes,he was blushing and then he put his head on hers to but while they're sleeping tired Marco kissed Star's head and they sleep,Star was felling herself a little blush coming out of them two.

Then Marco just realized that things won't be so awkward after all for both of them.

As they were sleeping Marco's parents came into the door as they saw Star and Marco is sleeping with the babies on the couch beside them they covered them with a blankets and left with them, they think they were a cute family, but they were.

(So anyway, 4th chapter is out now and I still got no views so I will write some more I know writting sucks right,BTW SEE YA'LL)



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