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"Oh no, oh no no no no no no no, this is not gonna happend from the future." Star said in panic while blushing light red.
"Um Star?" Marco asked because Star was so much in shoked she didn't respond.
"Star?" Marco responded,but Star is still not listening.
"STAR!" Marco shouted "What!?" Star responded with a frustrated face.
"Look we don't know what will happen in future but let's just face it." Marco tried to get Star to be calm as he stood up.
"Well maybe its fake!" Marco added with a fake smile trying to hide the blush.

Then Cressida began to speak."Dada?"
Marco is starting to blush "Uhhhh" Marco added confused.
Then Aurora began to speak."Mama?"
Star take a few inch away from Marco, starting to blush.
"So, what are we gonna do now?" Star asked.
"Lets jusr say this, they are from the other demension, and don't tell anyone, ok." Marco said, Star nod her head that she agreed.
"Here is even their stuff, I think it will be a future-past-family bonding!" Star said with a fake smile. "Really?" Marco asked.
"..........Maybe..a little." Star answerd.

"Well when do start to being a parent?" Star ask questionly.
"Right now." Marco said.

"Oh." Star replied.


"Ok! First thing first." Marco looked at his book. "Parenting is like babysitting. Ok easy."

"Oh please, we've already babysit 12 tadpoles." Star said with a groan.
"Yes we've done that before, but these are, like you know, person babies." Marco said trying to make a point.
"Ugh, fine, but is it babysitting hard to a person baby?" Star asked, confused.
"A little, but just to make sure, if you to go things so easily, will you help me?" Marco asked begging.
"Sure! How can I cannot resits their cute faces." Star said booping their cheeks coming out a little giggle from them as Marco finds her absolutely adorable.

"LET'S DO THIS!" Star said energetic raising her fists.



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