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"Y/n jump on!"

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"Y/n jump on!"

You kick you horse to speed him up, "c'mon Apollo!" You yell. You quickly ride up next to the moving stagecoach, which was just hijacked by the gang. Once close enough you leap of your horse and crash onto the back of the wagon. There was still one more guard on the coach fighting with the driver. You quickly get up on your feet and knock him out. You push him off the side of the wagon and you speed off.

"Nice one y/n!" Jamie, the driver, said.

"Thanks Jamie! Colms gonna love this" you reply.

"Colm loves everything you do" he rolled his eyes sarcastically. You punch his shoulder. "Shut up and drive".

You arrive at camp and hop off the wagon. "We're back!" You yell.

"Hey y/n! How'd you get on?" One of the members asked.

"Check the wagon" you said pointing to Jamie who was unloading all the weapons you just stole. "I'd say we did pretty good" you laugh.

You make sure the weapons are being tended to before heading over to Colms cabin. The brisk April air hits your face while you walk. You smile, taking in how well everything is going. Once arriving, you knock on the door. "Come in"

Colm turns to you and smiles. "Well if it isn't my favorite apprentice" he says.

"We got the wagon, full of weapons and ammo" you tell him.

"Good, we're gonna need it soon." He replies turning around.

"Why? What's happening?" You ask in confusion.

"Jamie found a train, a big one, full of gold. We aren't letting this one get away." Colm says. He's referring to the time they lost the train to the Van Der Linde gang, your biggest enemies. You heard all about them, but never seen them. Luckily you weren't in camp when they attacked up in the Grizzlies, which killed half the gang.

"They will never hear about it, I'll make sure of it" you say smiling. "That's my girl" he responds.

You both talk a little more about the train robbery before leaving to go get dinner. You walk out of the cabin and walk to the stew that was cooking. You get a small bowl of it and go to sit by the fire. While eating, Jamie comes over and sits down next to you. "Hey y/n, let's go out and get a drink tonight, as a celebration" he says.

You smile and nod, "let me finish here and we can head out"

You finish your stew and walk over to Apollo. You have had Apollo ever since Colm first found you six years ago when you were 13. It was a gift for you as he was trying to gain your trust. His dark black fur shined in the light from the setting sun. You waited for Jamie and headed out. You road to a little livestock town called Valentine. Once arriving you went into the saloon and headed to the bar. Jamie bought the first round of drinks. You sat and chatted about everything going on for a while. "Hey I'm gonna head to the bathroom, I'll be back" Jamie said standing up. You nod and motion for the bartender to bring you another drink. While sitting, you hear someone sit down in the other empty seat next to you.

"Beer please" you hear a deep voice say. "I'll pay for hers too"

You look over in confusion. You were in shock by the man sitting next to you. He had very chiseled features. He had blue deep sunken eyes that captivated you. Based on his appearance he look to be in his late 30s. "You don't have to do that" you said with some sass. He chuckles lightly and rolls his eyes. "Just take the damn drink"

You smile and roll your eyes. "So stranger, what are you doing here buying girls drinks? Don't try and make a move on me, I'll kick your ass" you say.

"Princess, I am not afraid of you" he laughs, you furrow you're eyebrows. "Hell you probably don't even know how to hit"

"Oh yeah you want me to prove it?" You say loudly while standing up. You suddenly feel arms rap around your waist and lift you away from the man. "Y/n what the hell are you doing?" Jamie asks. "I've been gone five goddamn minutes and you already gotten yourself into a fight?" You don't answer and turn to face the mysterious man. His hat is now down so you can fully see his face, just a big smirk growing on his face. "Until next time princess" he says before walking out of the saloon. You watch him exit and try to collect yourself. "Who the hell was that?" Jamie asked.

"I don't know, I didn't get his name." You huff. "He sat down and bought me a drink"

"A man buys you a drink and the first thing you do is threaten to hit him? Jesus y/n this is why you've never had a boyfriend" Jamie laughed.

Jamie was ten years older than you, 29. When you were first introduced to the gang, you thought he was super handsome. You followed him around and never stopped pestering him. As you matured you form and sibling relationship that has grown ever since. You no longer understand what you ever saw in him.

"Shut the hell up" you say hitting his shoulder.

"I say we head back to camp, if we don't leave soon you will start a fight." He replied.

You roll your eyes and walk out, Jamie following and laughing. You get on Apollo and start to ride off. "C'mon y/n don't be such a baby! Come back here!" Jamie yells. You slow down and let him catch up. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find a way to see him again" he says catching up.

"Why would I want that?" You say back.

"Your my little sister, I know for a fact you thought he was handsome. I didn't see his face but the way you acted told me everything I need to know."

You roll your eyes and look away from him. You lightly smile at the fact that Jamie knows you so well. You did think he was cute, but you also thought he was a huge dick. You ride back to camp and hitch Apollo. You head over to your tent. You tent was set up next to Colms cabin. You didn't share it with anyone so you had somewhere to go if you needed peace and quiet. You lay down and think about the man. Your mind is stuck on his face. He was one of the most handsome men you've ever seen. You roll over and go to sleep, hoping someday and somehow, you'll see the man again.


Hey guys! Welcome to my new story. There probably won't be any more Authors notes until the end of the story so I just wanted to say please enjoy! It will be a little bit until something major happens between MC and Arthur but that's just because I want to build a background first. Again, thanks for reading and enjoy!

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