for her

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Arthur squinted his eyes as the bright sunlight entered his tent

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Arthur squinted his eyes as the bright sunlight entered his tent. He slowly open them to see John standing at the entrance, motioning Arthur to come out. He nodded as John closes the flap, bringing darkness again. Arthur looked down at you, your face plastered with defeat. You cried out every last tear last night. He kissed your forehead lightly and your mouth turned into a slight smile. "I'll be right back" he whispered before stepping out of the bed. He covered you up again and stepped outside. John was sitting by the fire he made, cooking some meat.

"We have to go back soon, Dutch will send someone out looking for us" John said hearing Arthur approach.

"I know" he sighed. "What are we going to do?" He asked, thinking about the helpless girl laying in the tent just 10 feet away from him.

"We are gonna have to tell Dutch" John responded.

Arthur's eyes widened. "he will kill me" he said.

"Then he will have to kill me too. Your the only one left in her life now. We can't leave her." John said turning to face Arthur.

Arthur frowned. "I'll go tell her we are heading back to camp, and we will be back later."

John nodded and returned to cooking. Arthur walked over to the tent and opened it. The light from outside brings you out of your slumber. You look up at Arthur with a small smile. "Good morning Arthur." You greeted him.

"Good morning princess." Arthur respond.

You smiled, "that's what you called me right before I threatened to kick your ass at the bar."

"I honestly should have stuck around to see what you would have done." Arthur laughed. "Me and John have to go back to camp now, Dutch will send someone out looking for us."

You frown. "John reckons we tell Dutch about everything." He continued.

"He will kill you!" You says worryingly.

Arthur let out a slight chuckle. "I can handle myself. I promise I'll be back tonight to let you know how it went." You nod, standing up to give him a hug. "Thank you for staying last night" you whisper. He looked down and kissed your forehead, "anything for you, now get some rest, we will be back."

Arthur stepped outside to let John know he was ready to leave. They walked over to their horses and mounted up.

"I feel at fault" John started. "I shouldn't have suggested bringing her"

"She loved going with us, she would have been furious if we did it without her. It just didn't go to plan." Arthur responded.

"She really looked up to that man, just like us with Dutch" he said.

Dutch. Arthur thought about how Dutch would react when he told him about everything. He just hoped Dutch had as much trust in him as John did. The rest of the trip was silent, both men planning what they were going to say when they arrived back at camp. As they rode into camp, they saw Dutch and Hosea talking by the fire. They both got off their horses and walk over to them.

"Where were you boys last night? We stared to get worried the robbery didn't go well." Hosea said.

"You boys have been doing quite a lot of robberies these past few weeks. Not that I'm complaining, but I feel like something is going on" Dutch added.

"We have to talk to you Dutch." Arthur said with a frown. Dutch looked at him waiting for him to continue talking. "There's been someone else helping us with the robberies." Arthur said.

"Who?" He asks in total confusion.

"There's a girl." John adds next.

"If you boys don't just tell me what the hell is going on soon-" Dutch started, getting agitated.

"Okay..." Arthur looked at John before telling him everything. "About a month ago, I went down to the saloon in Valentine to get a drink. I saw a young lady sitting at the bar alone. She was beautiful so I bought her a drink. She then got all defensive and claimed she could kick my ass." Arthur chuckled.

John smiles. "Yeah that sounds like her"

Dutch doesn't smile. "Arthur continue" he said firmly.

"Okay anyways. I left right after because her friend came back and I didn't want any trouble. The next day was the day we attacked Colm. You sent me in to check the cabin." He continued.

"Yes and you told me it was clear." Dutch said sternly.

Arthur sighed. "When I looked under the bed, I found her hiding with tears streaming down her face. I then realized she was one of them. But i didn't tell you she was there." Arthur stopped, waiting for a reaction from Dutch. There was none, he looked you coldly in the eyes. "I went back a few days later to take her some food and she told me how she got involved with the O'Driscolls. Then a few days later me and John spotted her at the gunsmiths and since then we've been doing robberies together." He finished.

Arthur, John, and Hosea all look at Dutch waiting for his response. "You're telling me, you lied to me about finding an O'Driscoll, and now you and John are going around and partying with this women?" He says as calmly as possible, but everyone could tell his insides were boiling.

Arthur knew there was nothing he could say that would make the situation any better, so he just responded with, "yes."

John speaks up. "Last night we went to that homestead i was telling you about. She came with. It happened to be Colms hideout. He saw her with us and freaked. If it wasn't for Arthur going over to her, I think he would have killed her."

"He was going to kill her because she was a traitor, just like I should kill you both" Dutch said, his fists turning white from anger.

"Dutch shes alone, in the woods, with Colm looking for her." Arthur say.

"No way." Dutch says turning around.

"Let's hear them out." Hosea speaks up. Both Arthur and John let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you kidding Hosea?" Dutch yelled.

"Let's go with them to meet her and hear her out, we can decide then what we will do." Hosea said.

"Fine. We leave now so I don't change my mind" he said walking over to his horse. Arthur and John both look at Hosea. "Thank you" Arthur mouthed.

"I know you wouldn't do this for any random girl. Now let's go." He walks off. Arthur and John look at each other satisfied with how the conversation went. They knew it would be a while until Dutch fully trusted them again, but it was worth it, for her.

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