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You awaken, wrapped up in Arthur's arms

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You awaken, wrapped up in Arthur's arms. He's still asleep. You watch him as he slowly breathes in and out. You smile, thinking about how good your time has been with him.

You've been with the Van Der Linde gang for about a month now. People are slowly starting to trust you. Arthur and John trust you with their lives, and Hosea and you have gotten pretty close. He stepped in as the father figure now that Colm was gone. While with Colm, no man was aloud to get close to you, so you had zero experience with boys. Hosea helped you when you were having trouble with Arthur since you had no idea what you were doing.

You've also been trying to get in on a robbery, but Dutch has been persistent on not letting you go. You've been talking to Hosea about it and he promised he would talk to Dutch, but so far nothing has changed.

You come out of your thoughts when you feel Arthur move, as he slowly woke up.

"Good morning beautiful" he said with a sleepy smile.

"Good morning. What's the plan for today?" You asked.

"I think Dutch had something for me, Charles, and Javier to check out." He said starting to sit up and put on his boots. "I'm gonna head out, meet me when your dressed?" He said. You nod as he kisses your forehead and leaves. You stretch before standing up. You put your jeans and light blue button up shirt on. You throw on your boots and step outside.

The camp is full of life, everyone doing something. Dutch was talking to Arthur, Charles, and Javier, probably about whatever he had planned. John was chopping wood for the camp. Sadie and Pearson were fighting about the stew he was making.

"Good morning y/n" Hosea said as he walked over to you.

"Hosea! How are you?" You ask cheerfully.

"I'm good. Me and Dutch are talking about a bank job in Valentine." He responded. You looked at him. He knew exactly what you were thinking. "I've been talking to Dutch, he said he'd think about it but that might be just to shut me up" he chuckles.

"I really want to go. Arthur and John know how good I am, I just wish Dutch would give me a shot" you say pouting.

"One day y/n, be patient." He said patting your back.

Arthur starts to head over to you. "I'm heading out, we won't be long. Dutch wants to talk to you too." He said before kissing your cheek and walking off.

"Maybe this is your chance." Hosea said before motioning his head over to the tree Dutch was now sitting under. You start to head over. You always got nervous when talking to Dutch. You didn't think he liked you much, so you always tried saying the right things so he would start to open up to you. It was strange from going from the top person with Colm to being a nobody in Dutch's gang. You were only know as "Arthur's girl".

"Good morning Dutch" you say approaching him. He stood up before speaking. He was much taller than you, which intimidated you.

"I've been speaking with Hosea, he seems to have taken a liking to you." He pauses, "so have Arthur and John. I trust all three of them completely." You smile, feeling good about what Dutch is saying. "I know how bad you want to go on a robbery, so I will let you come along." Before he finishes you stop and jump up and down. He interrupts your celebration. "Under one circumstance." You stop and look at him with a confused look on your face. "You MUST stay with either me, Arthur, or John at all times. Don't go do your own thing. You're new, we can't loose you just yet." He says shaking his head with a slight chuckle.

"Thank you so much Dutch!" You say before leaping into his arms and hugging him. He's a little taken back at first, but then wraps his arms around you. "Prove to me I'm not making a mistake" he said letting you go.

Full of excitement, you run over to John who was now sitting in his tent. "John!" You yell.

"Hey little one, what's got you so excited?" He asked.

"Dutch is letting me come on the back robbery with you!" You say sitting down next to him.

"It's about time. Your better than half the guys here anyways" he chuckles.

"Dutch said I have to be with either him, you, or Arthur at all times though" you tell him.

He chuckles, "trust me, if anything were to happen to you, I think Arthur would kill us all"

You blush slightly. You loved the bonds you've built. John was feeling more and more like an older brother. Nothing would replace Jamie, but at least now you had someone else you could take to about anything.

You continue to talk about what has been going on throughout camp when you look up to see Abigail standing at the entrance of the tent glaring. No matter how many times John told her you were strictly a friend and off limits, she still didn't like you.

"Well, I'll be going for now, I'll probably go read, I'll see you later John" you said standing up. You slid past Abigail and walked over to the big oak tree. You sat down and pulled out one of the romance novels Mary-Beth gave you. You start to read, not noticing how fast the time is passing. Suddenly you hear horses come into camp. You look up and see the sun is already setting. You look over to see Arthur hitching up his horse. You get up and walk over to him.

"Welcome back." You said with a smile.

"Hey, how was your day?" He asked.

"Let's go on a walk, I'll tell you all about it." You said grabbing his hand. You start to head down the trail out of camp, walking slowly hand and hand with Arthur. You tell him about your conversation with John, and how Abigail still despised you. He tells you about the homestead him, Charles, and Javier robbed while they were gone. It was a Italian family, sitting on a lot of money. You continue walking until you reach a clearing in the woods. You stop and turn to face Arthur, he looks puzzled.

"There's something else that happened today." You say with a smile.

"Oh?" He asks still very confused.

"Dutch is finally letting me go robbing with you guys!" You blurt out in excitement.

"Finally!" Arthur says, picking you up and spinning you around. You look into his eyes, before he slowly sets you down. "I'm so happy you finally get to come, I'll make sure you stay safe, you have my word" he says.

"I know" you say with a smile. There is a brief pause of silence. You and Arthur continue looking in each others eyes.

Arthur finally breaks the silence. "Y/n..." he pauses. "I'm so glad I met you."

You smile. He bends down and kisses you. The kiss is full of passion. You not knowing anything about relationships, have been taking things very slow. Sure you and Arthur kiss, but this was full of something new. "Let's build a small camp, right here. It's getting to late to head back anyways." He says. You know it's an excuse but you agree anyways. Maybe something more would happen with Arthur tonight, you were eager to find out.

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