what were you up to?

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It's been three days since the attack

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It's been three days since the attack. You spent the last three days cleaning up camp, and trying to survive. You had no where to go. You knew Colm and a few others got away because you didn't find their bodies, but it saddened you to think about how they just left. You've slowly been eating the things in camp to save them. You know you're vary capable to go out and get more food, you just haven't felt up to it. You lay on your bed exhausted from all the work you've been doing when you hear hooves coming up the trail. "Is it Colm?" You think. You don't just out of bed just in case it's someone who came to loot the camp. You hear the horse come to a halt and someone get off.

"Hello?" You hear come from outside.

You sit up.

It's Arthur

You slowly move to the crack in the tent and look out. You see Arthur looking around camp for what your guessing is you. "Arthur" you said stepping out. He's head shoots to look at you, almost as he was surprised to see you.

"Hey what are you still doing here?" He asked gently.

You could tell he was trying to be nice but you were so full of anger that you just snapped.

"Where the hell was I supposed to go? You killed most of my family and made the rest abandon me."

He let out a sigh. "I know, and I should have killed you too. But I didn't, and I'm not sure why."

You just look up at his face. He was much taller than you. You didn't notice at the bar since you were to busy trying to fight him. "What are you doing here Arthur?" You ask.

He goes to talk and then pauses for a moment. "How do you know my name?" He asked.

"I heard you guys talking when you came and slaughtered everyone." You reply sarcastically.

He sighs. "Look I'm sorry, but how good could Colm possibly be?"

This pushed you over the edge. "They were my family, he is my family. He picked me up when I was 13 and made my life good, gave it purpose." Your voice starts to crack. "You killed my brother, the one person who truly knew me." You fall to the ground. Arthur quickly drops and catches you in his arms. He pulls you into a hug as you sob. You didn't care who he was, it was just nice to have human contact after three lonely days. He held you until you finished crying. You wiped your eyes and stood up. "I think it's time for you to leave." You say to Arthur.

He sighs and stands up. "Here, at least take this." He starts to search his satchel. He pulls out a few cans of food and some water. "I know this doesn't make up for it, but here."

"Why are you being nice to me? Shouldn't we be like enemies or something?" You ask him.

He lightly chuckled and rubs his neck. "I honestly don't know, I guess I just respect people who stand up for themselves at a bar, even if they know they won't win." He says with a wink.

You pick up a stone and throw it at him. "Shut up!" You yell with a light chuckle. You both laugh and look at each other, it suddenly turning into an awkward silence. He breaks the silence, "okay, I'll leave you be..." he trails off.

"Y/n" you tell him.

"Okay, y/n. Take care of yourself." He says walking towards his horse. You watch him unhitch him and hop on.

"Thank you Arthur!" You yell before he trotted off. He turns and nods. And with that he was gone. You slowly walk back with a slight smile on your face. You didn't know why, he was apart of the Van Der Linde Gang, but he came to help you, so he can't be that bad. You go back into your tent and sit down. You let out a sigh. While looking around, you spot a piece of paper poking out from under your lap. You raise an eyebrow and walk over to get it. It was a letter.

By the time you find this we will be long gone, I'm so sorry. I promise I'll come back for you, but I had to get away. Me and they boys don't know where we are going. I'm in your tent right now writing this while everyone's fighting. Don't give up, we'll be back I promise.

You continue to stare at the photo while a tear streams down your face. You don't know how to feel. Colm said he would come back, but he left you. He left knowing you were in danger. You put the letter down and lay down. You take a nap hoping you feel better when you wake up.

Arthur rode off feeling conflicted. He should hate you, and he should have killed you when he found you under the bed. But something about your beautifully sculpted face captivated him. He shook his head and continued heading back to camp. Not long after leaving, he stopped dead in his tracks seeing a familiar face stopped in the middle of the road.

"Arthur" the voice said.

"What are you doing Marston?" Arthur responded angerly.

"What the hell were you doing?" He asked.

"Hunting. I told you that, now get out of my way." He said kicking his horse to make it ride pass John.

"What did you catch?" John asked.

"Uh there's was nothing good out there, I'll try again tomorrow." He said, still trying to stick to his original story.

"Who is she?" He said right after.

"Who?" Arthur asked trying to sound clueless.

John rolled his eyes and continued to look at the man on the horse. Arthur sighed and dropped his head. "She was the girl from the bar. Turns out she's and O'Driscoll"

"My question still remains, what were you doing there?" John continued to ask questions.

Arthur knew there was nothing he could say to get out of the situation. John knew the man better than he knew himself. He just prayed John wouldn't get to mad. "She was there when we attacked the camp. She was in the cabin, I found her under the bed."

"Why didn't you say anything?" John asked.

"I don't know, I'm trying to figure that out." Arthur responded with a scoff.

"Listen, your secret is safe with me. But if this messes up everything and gets us in trouble, you're to blame." John said starting to ride towards camp.

Arthur followed silently, trying to figure out what to do next.

enemies { Arthur Morgan x Reader } / rdr2Where stories live. Discover now