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The ride was silent

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The ride was silent. Arthur and John stayed in the front while Hosea and Dutch followed. Arthur knew Dutch was angry at everyone, but he'd get over it. They arrived at the camp and hitched their horses.

"She must have cleaned up the mess we left" Hosea said looking around.

"Y/n! We're back!" Arthur yelled.


He raised and eyebrow. Usually you would come running out of your tent to greet Arthur and John. He walked over to your tent and peaked inside.


"Y/n?" He said again, looking around. Dutch rolled his eyes and turned around.

"Looks like she wasn't as reliable as you thought." He said.

Suddenly everyone heard a noise come from inside the cabin. Arthur and John quickly walked over and opened the door. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw who was inside.


"Hello boys" he said with a smile. Arthur looked down to see you tied to the bed post. You looked at him helplessly. "Where's Dutch?" Colm asked.

"Hello Colm." Dutch said walking in. "You keep giving me opportunities to kill you, when will you learn?"

"I always seem to get away, your not very good at what you do" Colm scoffs. He turned to face you. "See, this is why I always kept you away from them, all they want is to kill the people who out shine them"

"You kept her away from us until you left her to be killed" Arthur spoke up.

"Arthur" Hosea said, letting him know not to say anything else.

"I think it's time you let the young lady go Colm." Dutch said.

"I may have raised her, but I'd rather see her die then watch her team up with you." He said standing up from the wooden chair.

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. The man you looked up to for six years and thought would always care for you, wanted to see you dead. The tears continued to stream down your face. Arthur stood, watching you helplessly. Colm stands and is now face to face with Dutch.

"Let's take this outside, old friend." Dutch says walking out of the cabin.

Colm turns and squats down so you are face to face. He grabs your chin. "I'll be back for you" he said walking out of the cabin. Arthur and John rush over to help you out of the ropes. Hosea stands at the door, watching both you and Dutch outside. Suddenly a gun shot is heard. Everyone freezes. You, Arthur, and John all look up at Hosea. He looks at you sympathetically, and with that, you knew the only father figure you ever had in your life was gone. It stayed silent, everyone waiting for your next move, but you just sat there numb. Only one month ago, your life was perfect. You had your family, and that's all you needed. The past few weeks showed you that you can't trust the people closest to you. All you had was Arthur. You didn't know what was going to happen next, as Dutch didn't trust you, but you knew Arthur wouldn't leave you.

Dutch walks into the cabin and squats in front of you. Everyone watches silently, not knowing his next move.

"Y/n was it?" Dutch asked. You just nod, your throat being to hoarse to talk. "I don't know what my boys see in you, but if they trust you, you must be reliable. I don't trust you, but I'm willing to see if you have what it takes to make it in my gang. I'll give you a place to stay, and you help the boys raise money to get the hell out of this country. Sound good?" You nod again and then turn to face Arthur. He has a smile.

"I think it's time we get back" Hosea says. "Arthur, make sure she doesn't see anything when you walk out" Arthur nods and helps you to your feet. He pulls you into a strong hug and whispers "I will never leave you" John comes over and moves a stand of hair out of your face. "I'm glad your okay y/n" he says with a smile. He walks out the cabin leaving you and Arthur. "Let's go, your safe now" he says. You walk out the cabin, watching your feet the whole time. You didn't want to see Colm laying there. You get on Apollo. You follow everyone back to camp. You get nervous about the reaction you'll get when you get to camp, but you have no where else to go. After a short ride, you cut off the road and head into a camp. You look around, taking in all your surroundings. You hitch up Apollo and follow everyone into camp. Most people are asleep so you don't get introduced to anyone.

"We will show you around tomorrow y/n" Dutch says, then leaving and going into his tent. Hosea comes over and shakes your hand. "It's very nice to meet you y/n" he says before walking away. "I can't wait to introduce you to Jack tomorrow, I think he will love you. Goodnight y/n" John says. You smile at him as he walks away. You turn to face Arthur. He takes your hand and leads you to his tent.

"You can have the bed, I'll sleep on the floor" he says taking off his boots. You giggle, "shut up and get into the bed" you grab his hand and pull him down. He lands on top of you, using his arms to hold himself up. You get lost in his blue eyes. He looks down to your lips and back up to your eyes. You smile, and nod slightly. He slowly leans in and presses his lips to yours. He starts to pull back but you pull him back in. You smile. He looks at you again. "Let's get some sleep, you had a long day" he says.

"Thank you Arthur" you say. He smiles and pulls you into a hug. This is where you wanted to be, in Arthur's arms. It's the only home you had. You quickly fell asleep to the sound of Arthur's breaths. You didn't know what to expect the next day, but where you were was good enough for you.

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