ready as ever

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Tilly yells your name in excitement when she sees everyone ride into camp. Everyone comes over to great you, which was a little overwhelming but you were glad they were happy to see you. Arthur stepped off this horse and grabbed your hand to help you down. You looked up at him and smiled.

"I missed you" you said for the hundredth time since he saved you. He chuckled slightly. "I missed you too." He leaned down to kiss your forehead. "Let's go sit by the fire." He said.

You made your way over to the fire, where most of the camp already sat. Javier stood up from his seat allowing you to sit down, you gave him a smile. Dutch walked over to the group.

"Y/n, can we talk about what happened?" He asked. The cheerful mood quickly turned dark. Everyone stayed quiet, waiting for your response. You let out a deep sigh. "Yeah." You responded, trying to figure out where to start.

"Well, when I left that morning, I was just going to buy a few things. John asked if I wanted him to come with, but I said no." You started, disappointed with yourself. "I had this feeling, like someone was watching me. I tried to get to town quick but, they got me before I could."

Arthur rubbed yourself back lightly as you told the story.

"They took me to some small farm, where they tied me up in the barn. That's when they asked me about Colm." You continued.

"Why didn't you tell them the truth?" Dutch asked.

"I wasn't going to turn on my real family. It was me or you. I chose to save you." You said, avoiding eye contact.

Dutch lifted you chin to look at him. "You didn't have to do that, thank you. You will always have a family here." He said with a smile. He turned to face the rest of the group. "Javier, play is a song will you?"

Javier started to sing, everyone else joining in. The mood turned light and happy again. You smiled, but on the inside you were still worried. The O'Driscolls found you once, what says they won't find you again?  The only way you would be able to live without fear, was to get rid of them once and for all. And that was your plan. But, you weren't going to kill the mood of the small party, so you decided to wait until the morning to talk to Arthur.

You put your thoughts behind you and joined in the fun. Everyone was glad you were back, and so were you.

The next morning

You wake up alone in the bed you have been sharing with Arthur. You remembered Dutch telling him about a job they had, so you figured that's where he went.

You stepped out of the tent and surveyed the camp. You looked towards the edge of camp to see Sadie sitting on a log by herself. You guys haven't interacted much as she hated that you were tied to the O'Driscolls. You slowly make your way over to her. You planned on getting revenge on the O'Driscolls, and knew revenge is what she needed to get over what happened.

You walked up and sat next to her in silence for a moment, before turning to talk to her. "Listen, I know how you feel about me, but I'm going to end this thing with the O'Driscolls once and for all, you in?" You asked.

She didn't say anything, just looked at you and raised an eyebrow.

"When I was tied up in the barn at their camp, I overheard one of them say where the rest of gang was as Hanging Dog Ranch. If we go, we can end them. I know it won't make up for your husbands death, but it's a small step." You told her.

She looked at the ground, thinking for a moment. She stood and finally spoke. "Let's do it. But I'm doing it for me, not you." You nodded and smiled.

"We'll do it tonight." She said before walking off. Not having anything to do until nightfall, you helped around camp doing chores. It was late afternoon when Arthur and Dutch rode back into camp. You continued to wash Arthur's clothes while him and Dutch talked to Hosea. After a short time, he made his way over to you.

"Working hard I see." He said sitting down next to you. You smiled. You knew you had to tell him about what you and Sadie had planned, but you also knew he wouldn't handle it well.

"Hey, me and Sadie have something planned I gotta talk to you about." You said not looking up at him.

He slightly chuckled, "you and Sadie, talking? Never thought I'd see the day"

"Me too, but we both want the same thing, to end the O'Driscolls." You responded.

He looked at you slightly confused. "What are you planning?" He asked.

"I know where the rest of them are holed up. We are going to end it once and for all." You said looking at him with a eager smile.

He looked at you for a moment before standing up. "No." He said sternly.

Your smile dropped from your face. "What?" You asked.

"You're not going." He said without turning to face you.

"Yes I am, you can't stop me." You said walking infront of him so you could speak to his face.

"I just got you back, I will not lose you to them again." He said. His face was blank, you couldn't tell what he was truly feeling.

"Arthur, I won't be able to be happy with the constant reminder of them and what they did in the back of my head. I need to do this." You said calmly.

"No!" He yelled a bit louder, catching the attention of a few people in camp.

Your mouth hung open slightly. You've never seen this anger from him. "I'm doing it Arthur." You told him sternly.

He looked as if he was going to yell again, but Sadie ran over before he could say anything. "Arthur relax" she told him.

"You guys are going to get hurt! I won't let that happen." He said turning to her.

"Come with us. That way you will be there to make sure nothing happens, is that okay y/n?" She asked you.

You nodded. He thought for a moment. "Fine. When is this happening?" He asked quietly.

"Tonight, I'll get you both when it's time." Sadie said before walking off, leaving just you and Arthur. It was silent for a moment until he turned to talk to you. "I'm sorry." He said looking into your eyes.

You give him a slight smile before hugging him. "I understand your concern, but I need to do this" you told him.

He hugged you tightly. "I know you do." He said.

You both went your separate ways until that night. You were sitting on your cot reading when Arthur peaked his head in. "You ready?" He asked.

You leaped to your feet with a smile on your face. "Ready as ever".

enemies { Arthur Morgan x Reader } / rdr2Where stories live. Discover now