welcome back

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You squint at the bright light as you start to wake up

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You squint at the bright light as you start to wake up. You were still on the back of your horse. How far are they taking you?. You lift your head slightly, wincing at the pain from your stiff neck. You see a man riding next to you and a man riding behind. You couldn't make out the faces. You knew yelling would probably get you in a worse situation so you stayed quiet the rest of the ride.

After what felt like forever, you arrived at a small farm. There was two cabins on the farm, as well as a big barn in the back. You felt yourself being lifted off the horse and then dropped on on the ground.

You hit the ground hard, knocking the wind out of you. You look up to see three men standing around you and looking down. It only took a few seconds to realize who they were.


Your throat went dry, terrified about what would happen next.

"Welcome back y/n" the one said. You stayed silent.

"It's been a while since we've seen Colm, do you know what happened to him?" Another asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, he always went to you for everything, he trusted you with his life, did he say anything?" The last man said, knowing it would get under your skin. You still didn't say anything. They knew what happened to him, they just wanted to hear you say it.

"Well where have you been y/n? We haven't seen you either." One asked.

"You know the answers to these questions" you spat at them.

The taller one quickly squatted down, grabbing the collar of your shirt and pulling you close to his face. "Tell us y/n, what the fuck happened to Colm, what the fuck happened to you, what the fuck happened to family?" He yelled.

"Family? Is that what you call this? You all left me to save your own ass. Colm too. None of you care about anyone but yourselves. I never knew what the word 'family' meant when I was with you guys." You yelled back.

You could see the anger boiling inside the man. "What happened to Colm" he asked quietly.

You paused before answering. "He's dead. He was killed." You finally said.

"Who killed him?" He asked not breaking eye contact.

You took a deep breath, thinking back to everything the Van Der Linde gang had done for you. You thought back to what Dutch said to you just that morning.

"I want you to feel like you have a family, people to protect you. And yesterday you proved that you're reliable. If you would like to stay with us permanently, we would all love to have you."

You finally had people who would be there for you, no matter what, you weren't going to fuck it up now.

"I did." You said firmly.

The guys were taken back by the words leaving your mouth. They never would have thought you, a petite girl would have killed the man she thought of as a father.

The man threw you down, finally letting go of your collar. He turned around without looking at you, "take her to the barn" he said. You were suddenly being pulled off the ground and dragged to the barn at the back of the farm. A few others at the camp watched the commotion, but didn't say anything. The two men say you down infront of a beam in the barn, and tied your hands to it.

"Your life will be a living hell now that your back." The one said as they both walked out. All you could think about was Arthur, and how he must being feeling now that you never came back.

Back at camp

"It's getting kind of late, don't you think she'd be back by now?" Arthur said sitting down next to John.

"All she said was she was heading out of town, and wanted to go alone because she just needed sometime to herself. She offered to get me anything so I don't think she was planning on running away if that's what your thinking." John said back, taking a swig of his beer.

Arthur chewed at his lip for a moment. "What if someone took her?" He asked.

"Who would take her? It's not like she has any enemies." John responded. A moment of silence occurred before John and Arthur both snapped to look at each other.

"O'Driscolls" they both said at the same time.

They quickly rose from their seats and walked over to Dutch, who was sitting on the edge of his cot, his head in his hands. He looked up as he heard the sound of their boots walking in. "What going on?" He asked, seeing the panic in both of their eyes.

"Y/n's missing. And we are worried she could have been taken by O'Driscolls." Arthur blurted out.

Dutch stood up, "who talked to her last?" He asked.

"She said she was going to get some things at the general store" John spoke up.

"So maybe she's still shopping?" Dutch asked, trying to find an explanation.

"That was early this morning..." John trailed off.

Dutch stood still, thinking for a moment about what to do. "We will give her tonight to come back, if she's not back in the morning, we all go see what we can find. I don't think she would just leave." He finally said.

John and Arthur nod, both still on edge, but trusting Dutch's plan. "First thing tomorrow, we go look for her." John said to Arthur. Arthur nodded, both heading off to their tents. Arthur took off his boots and laid down on his cot. The faster he fell asleep, the faster he would be able to find you. But the stress that filled him from the thought of you being hurt, was enough to keep him up tossing and turning all night.

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