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You ride into camp, closely followed by Arthur

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You ride into camp, closely followed by Arthur. You hitch Apollo and walk over to Dutch, who is sat under a tree reading.

"I assume you guys got away safely?" Dutch asked while shutting his book.

"A few riders followed us, but y/n got rid of them quickly." Arthur said walking up next to you.

Dutch looks at you, lightly humming to himself. It looked as if he was trying to figure out what to say to you about how you did during the robbery. "Do you mind if we take a walk Miss l/n" he finally says.

You nod. Arthur leaves a peck on your forehead before walking off to go chop wood for the camp. You were very nervous about being alone with Dutch. Not that he was a bad person, he was just intimidating as hell. You walk to the edge of camp, him taking in your surroundings before saying anything. You chew at your lip, waiting for him to talk.

"I have to say Miss l/n, I'm very impressed with you" he finally says breaking the silence. "I knew John and Arthur were right about you, I just needed to see it for myself." He continued.

"Thank you" you said with a slight smile. You kept cool but were internally freaking out.

"I know your past with Colm, and my past with him aside, I am very sorry for your loss" he says not looking at you. He stays silent a moment before speaking up again. "I want you to feel like you have a family, people to protect you. And yesterday you proved that you're reliable. If you would like to stay with us permanently, we would all love to have you."

Before he can even process what's happening, you leap into his arms and hug him. You never thought you would be able to gain his trust, especially because of your close relationship with Colm. You tried not to think about the past, although it was always looming over you. But this was your life now, it was time to move on and make new relationships. "Thank you" you whisper, hugging him a little longer before pulling away.

"Well I'm gonna take that as a yes" he chuckles setting you down. "Now, lets go back to camp and have a good time" he says before walking back towards camp.

With the news of you staying quickly spreading, the camp broke out into a party. Javier was sitting at the fire singing, with a small crowd around him. John, Bill, and Micah were at the table drinking. Sean was already drunk and the night just started. You walk up to Hosea who is sitting by himself, taking in his surroundings.

"I'm glad your joining us y/n" he said looking up to you.

"I can't believe he was so easy to trust me" you said sitting down next to him.

"I told you, if you can prove your worth, he will help you with anything, I knew you would warm up to him quickly." He said rubbing your shoulder. You chatted a little longer before spotting Arthur standing by the fire.

"I'm gonna go over to Arthur, I'll talk to you later Hosea" you said standing up. He smiles as you walk away. You walk up behind Arthur and hug him from behind. He smiles before pulling you in front of him, resting his head on your shoulder.

"I'm so glad your staying with us y/n" Charles said with a nod.

"With all these beautiful girls here, I don't know how to contain myself!" A very drunk Sean bursted out. Karen gave him an evil eye, causing everyone to laugh. The mood was light, everyone singing and having a good time. It felt like a true family. The night went on, everyone chatting and having a good time. As it got later, everyone MOSTLY made it to their own beds. You made your way into Arthur's tent and laid down on the cot. He stumbled in, taking off his boots before sliding in next to you. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in close. "I love you" he whispered quickly before falling asleep. You quickly followed, falling asleep to the sound of silence.

You wake up the next morning with a slight headache. Arthur was still fast asleep next to you. You climb out of bed quietly, trying not to wake him. You put on your boots and head outside. Your plan for the day was to head into town and get some food for your horse, and get something for your headache. You spotted John sitting at the table and headed over.

"Your up early" you said sitting down next to him.

"Yeah, i don't get much sleep with Abigail always nagging me" he responds. You both chuckle.

"I'm gonna go into town to get a few things, need anything?" You ask.

"I'm alright, but thank you. Are you sure you want to go alone?" He asked.

"Yeah, I need a little me time anyways" you say with a smile.

"Okay, well If anyone asks, I'll let them know where you got to." He says as you stand up. You walk over to Apollo and get on. "Let's go" you say patting him, before heading out of camp.

You slowly start making your way to town. You knew there wasn't anything going on in camp, so there was no need to rush. While riding, you got a weird feeling, like you were being watched. You looked around, but didn't see anyone. You shrugged and continued on.

The feeling never went away. Even Apollo was acting a bit strange. You started to speed up, hoping getting into town would calm your nerves.

Suddenly, you get yanked off Apollo, a lasso wrapped around your chest. You hit the ground hard, knocking the wind out of you. Before you could even move you were being hogtied. You couldn't see who was doing this to you as your vision was all fuzzy. You felt yourself being put on the back of a horse. You wanted to yell, but nothing came out. You quickly gave up, knowing there was nothing you could do. You knew John and Arthur would worry when you didn't come back, but you didn't even know who was taking you and where you were going, so how were they supposed to find you?

enemies { Arthur Morgan x Reader } / rdr2Where stories live. Discover now