08| Somethings Go Viral

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Wahaj's POV

"Wahaj, it's just me. I'm letting myself in!"

Groaning, I rolled over and buried my face in my pillow. Listing to my aunt's advice and getting out of the hospital. After only three days had seemed like a good idea at the time.

"Go away," I mumbled from beneath the covers.

"Oh, Wahaj," Aunt Seren said, sitting on the narrow edge of Eylul's bed beside me. "I can't believe you're still in bed."

I lifted my head enough to give her the evilest eye I could manage.

"Okay, I can believe it, but that doesn't mean I approve. you have three lectures today, and you have already missed so many days."

"So?" I grumbled into the pillow. "I plan on staying here until I remember what happened to me." I declared.

Aunt Seren sighed. "Sweetie, I thought you were getting past this?"

Rolling onto my back so I could face her, I matched her sigh with a bigger one of my own. "I am, but I'm only human. I need to rest, besides I think my anxiety will have anxiety if I go to the university just three days after people found out I was still alive."

Allah is the only one who knows that I had more than my fair share to contend with. I found out that I had slept for twenty-one days, and then I found something when I left the hospital.


It was morning. I was lying on the hospital bed, waiting for my aunts. Today was the day that I would be able to go home and check out of the hospital. Don't get me wrong it was a pleasant stay, but I want to go back after I heard the news that Professor. Yilmaz had checked out and returned to teaching; after the missing person report professor. Yilmaz's case and I went viral, and everyone knew about the absent Professor, and his student and many theories were found online, and many of them were ridiculous.

Some comments were saying that my family didn't allow me to date, my Professor, so I ran away with him, and that was the story most people believed. Even the police during the first week were suspicious of me actually being missing or was I just running from my family.

My aunts finally arrived. My aunt Miray insisted that I exit the hospital with a wheelchair, and so did the doctor, so I was forced into a wheelchair.

Once I grabbed my belongings and walked out of the room. A nurse ran after me. "You must have forgotten this, It belongs to you." She said with a smile forming on her lips.

I looked at the item in her hand, it was a ring. A pop of navy colour and elegance ring, It had a beautiful sapphire and is cushioned by two stunning triangular diamonds, mounted in platinum. I took it in my hand and looked at it back, it was Cartier.

This couldn't be mine. My ring from Elian was without any diamonds, and it certainly wasn't Cartier. I smiled back at her, "I am sure you are mistaken, this isn't mine,"

She looked at me, confused, "But when you came in, you were wearing it, This is indeed yours, Ma'am."

I looked over at my aunts at the front desk, where they were checking me out as an outpatient. I looked back at the nurse, she had left. The ring was in my hands.

What a beautiful ring! Mashallah...

I walked then proceeded to walk toward both my aunts, "The nurse gave me this ring and told me I came in with it," I said confused, hoping they would clear the air.

"WOOW," that was the only reaction I got from aunt Miray before she took the ring and slid it back into my pocket, "If she gave it to you, then take it and leave, we need the money to pay the bell of the hospital," she whispers.

"Haram," I replied shockingly.

"She is right," Seren has spoken in sad tone in support of my word.

"Okay fine, let's ask the reception," Aunt Miray said.

After speaking with the reception, they showed us the security footage, and it was true, this was my ring, it was placed on my finger as I cam in through the hospital door. The security guy laughed at me as he says that this is the first time people came in to return a thing they have instead of taking things.

"Why aren't you in the wheelchair ?" Aunt Miray stopped to ask.

"Ohh, I forgot I had to sit on it," I said as both of my aunts looked at me with a sympathetic eye.

Two days ago, I was diagnosed with a short-term memory loss from a brain injury after the accident. Asking the same questions repeatedly, forgetting where I just put something, forgetting recent events, forgetting something I saw or read recently was becoming a common everyday struggle for me. I was given medication to treat blood clots in my brain, and my doctor says that I will get better eventually, So there were no worries about me counting my studies.

*End of Flashback

"This is soo beautiful !" I keep saying every time I look at that ring.

"Don't show it like that, If Ma found this ring, she will throw it or think you stole it," Aunt Seren warns me as she changes the subject, "Have you talked to Elian, Mariam, Aisha, anyone at all ?!"

I look down, "Elian hasn't texted me even though I am sure he knows by now that I have been found," I respond gloomily.

"And before you say anything, yes, I know. I'm not just wallowing in self-pity. I'm drowning in it." I said it was not like me to be bitchy, especially not with my aunt, but I thought she'd be more understanding.

"Where is aunt Noor, It isn't like her to not visit me in the hospital, and she isn't here at home, where is she ?" Aunt Seren's face turned pale again as she tried to comprehend what to say since the therapist had sat with all of us three days ago.

"Don't you remember ?" She asked downhearted, "We have talked about this, three days ago with the therapist."

"I know you have been diagnosed with short-term memory loss," She said, "But this is too much." she seemed clouded.

"What is it ?" I asked again, hesitantly.

"Aunt Nour died, the same day, you went missing," She said gently.

I started mourning, "What ?! how are Eylul and Ayaaz holding up," I asked. "How is Mama Ghada ?" I cried a little more.

"Everyone is okay Wahaj," She said before the grief was getting to her and she exited the room.

I wrenched myself to a sitting position as I took my note from the desk. I looked at it as my doctor told me that I should write everything down in case I forgot something, I could rely on the diary.

I began reading what happened from three days ago and then continued to read if I prayed or not so I could go and pray Zuhr.

"I did," I said to myself as I was showered with relief that I didn't miss a prayer and prayed on time.

I started writing in my diary ' I promise myself to not weep anymore and to give myself only prayer time to cry to my creator, and that was it, no matter what happens...

I end it with Wallah... 

This was going to be a challenge, but since I swore, I couldn't back down.

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