16| The Day They Doomed Their Fate

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10 Days after the accident

Ibrahim's POV

"Put your guns down," Diab orders as one of the men kept it high into the intruders level. "NOW" Diab shouted furiously.

The intruders face loomed. "Wahaj, Put the gun on the floor, this isn't a toy" Diab advised as he ducked.

"Skittles, drop it," Diab ordered gently.

Wahaj didn't budge as she seemed to hold the gun, and her hands and legs were all shaking furiously. This didn't register well with her as a look of utter confusion appeared in her face.

"No, it can't be," She began to mutter. "YOU DIED," She roared angrily as if she had this dream multiple times and she wanted it to go away.

"We have been through this already Skittles" He replied. "I had to disappear so the bad guy wouldn't hurt you,"

"D-don't you dare talk to me like I am five," She says struggling to get the words out as Diab began to walk into her direction and she held the gun to him. "Don't come, or I will shout" She warned.

"Behind you," I warned her as I found a man trying to disarm her from behind.

She quickly dodged him as I tried to move again ,but it only brought more pain as I walked. At the same time, they were distracted with Wahaj who didn't even reach for the safety in the gun, I ripped both my paper and Ahmad as quietly as possible in this time as I indicated for Ahmad to move toward Wahaj.

She managed to croak, "Why...?" She seemed to hate looking so weak.

"You need to go rest, whatever I say, you will forget in twenty minutes or so," Diab explained in a hurry as if he went through this at least five times before.

Hopefully, she won't forget in twenty minutes that she is saving our lives, But I couldn't take a chance as I sow Ahmad going toward Wahaj. I put pressure on my legs and walked through it into Ahmad side.

"Give Ahmad the gun," I advise Wahaj who still seemed shocked about her father. "No," She replied fast as she held the gun tighter and seemed to be not on any of the sides. She seemed to have a third side on her own.

"Tell your men to leave," She was talking to Diab, "As he was shockingly looking at Ahmad and I as we went toward her side on the room.

"TELL THEM," She angrily demanded as a man tried to grab her from behind after noticing the safety was on, but Ahmad quickly takes the gun from her and switch the safety.

"Don't, DON'T TOUCH HER," Diab angrily demanded.

"Leave, leave the room," Diab defeatedly replies as the men leave.

"You will let the professor and Mellisa's brother leave too," She pleaded her eyes appearing to hold tears in them as he nodded in agreement, "Whatever you want, just leave the gun," He says.

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