56| Their Family

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Wahaj's POV 

"Are you still angry that I left prison early?" Ibrahim asked, nervousness in his voice.

He was looking for reasons as to why he and I weren't together anymore as all I said was that I needed more time. "No, no. Wallah, I wasn't. I am glad Mr Black sealed the case and you left. For the girl's sake."  He seemed reassured by my words. I paused for a second before continuing. "I was trying to drop the case for months now but I never had the courage to forgive." 

"Oh," Ibrahim replied. 

I could see the hurt on his face, and for the first time in a long while, I understood why he was hurt. Even though the proof had been there, I had never fully believed that Ibrahim had loved me. I always thought it was one-sided from his actions, but I just now understood that he loved differently.

 I laugh which result in him giving me a perplexed expression, "Ibrahim there is no one in this world that can exhaust my heart the way you do." I smile, "Which isn't a good thing, believe me, but no matter where I go Ibrahim. I always come back. During your prison time and those months we spent seemed to give us both a chance to shed that old skin and start afresh. It's a chance for me to let go of my past anger and a chance for you to let go of the old you, your old ways." Ibrahim smiled at my words.

"Does that mean you're not angry at me anymore?"

I looked up at the dark sky for a moment as I sat beside him in the Yilmaz's garden. It was a clear night. I could see the stars.  "I was angry. I was angry at you for so long, and even though I said I didn't, I did hate you. Not because of what you did. But because you betrayed my trust.  I hated you kept all these secrets and for hurting our daughters despite how much I loved you, and I hated what my life had become. I was angry that everything I'd dreamt for and wished for and planned for hadn't come true and that is why I left six years ago. So I couldn't hurt and hate you for anything any longer."

I explained further, " I preferred to hold onto my anger because it was safe. I knew anger. It was easier to be angry at you and not run the risk of being hurt. I didn't want things to go back to the way they were before."

"But the things is, since shedding the past, I've had time to think long and hard about what I want. And you know what?" I looked him in the eyes then, and even as I said the words, I could hear the truth and conviction in them. "I forgive you."

He seemed to stop breathing in front of her. I could see the shock and slight disbelief on his face, and that didn't surprise me. After the whirlwind relationship I had, he'd probably stopped believing I would ever forgive him.

"I'll never forget what happened, but I can't carry that anger in me anymore. I don't want to."

Reaching one hand out, He pressed his fingertips gently across the back of my hand, and then down my fingers until he reached just by the tips of mine. I, in turn, raised my fingers until just our fingertips were pressing together. 

"Where does that leave us?" he asked, after a quiet moment.

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