23| The Miracle From Heaven

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Wahaj's POV

I looked at my watch to find that I have been talking with the Professor for TWO HOURS. I didn't even notice the hours passing. I knew that this time she came in to open the cafe shop.

"Holy shit! You are married!" my aunt said as the Professor finished talking to her about everything that happened.

"So when are you two getting a divorce?" She said immediately after like she would any other 'special' event.

Professor growled.

I was kind of grateful that she was here now. Maybe she could talk some sense into the Professor.

"What is with this family and divorce? We aren't getting divorced." The Professor got out of his chair, probably to avoid the slap.

"Why the hell not?" Aunt Seren asked.

"I don't believe in getting a divorce,"

"What?" She screamed as she looked at me, "this is your fault, Wahaj!"

"How is that my fault! " I snapped at her. "I don't even remember any of this," I added.

"Do you know what will Ma do if she finds out you got married without her consent and to be closer to your father, she will probably have a heart attack," She explained.

"And you," She looks toward my Professor, "Why did you manipulate her,"

"The question to be asked here is why would you care?" He sounded annoyed, "We are both consenting adults and we both agreed to it,"

"Well out of convenience, of course," I corrected him.

"This should be Korean Drama." My aunt said.

"Where are you going?" I asked when I saw that the Professor was leaving. "I am done," He says as he leaves us there without even an explanation.

"What is wrong with him ?" My aunt asks.

"Beats me," I answer.

I went quickly into the bathroom after he left. As I walked back out of the toilet, I met the worried gaze of my aunt, who was fixing the cafe so we can open.

"Elena, are you okay? You look a little green. And the doctor told us that throwing up should have stopped weeks ago. I think you should see a doctor, get it checked out," She advised as she looked anxiously at me.

"I'm-I'm fine, Aunt Seren. It's just my brain injury, I think. I'll be fine after some rest, don't worry," I replied huskily, my throat sore after so many times of throwing up.

"No, honey, you're not fine! Come on! I'm taking you to the doctor's office," My aunt insisted and proceeded to drag me into her car.

The tests took merely half an hour to complete, after which they had to wait for another hour before they were able to get the blood test results back.

We drove back to our home in silence as I tried to wrap my head in my thoughts. As soon as they walked in, I squeezed my aunt in a hug.

"Aunt Seren, thanks for forcing me to go to the doctor. Do you-do you think I'm really sick? Like maybe it's life-threatening or something?" I whispered, feeling terrified all of a sudden as I felt tears escaping from the corners of my eyes.

"No, Wahaj, of course not! I'm sure you were right the first time, that it's just the symptoms of brain injury. You'll be fine once they figure out what type of medication to give you, try to relax for a while, okay?" Aunt Seren said kindly as she led me into my bedroom for a nap.

Half an hour later, the shrill ringing of my phone made me wake up as I lurched up in bed with a jolt. Heart pumping wildly, I answered my mobile with trepidation as I braced myself for the bad news.


"Ms Muhmmad? Dr Freeman from the clinic is talking. We have your blood test results. Congratulations, you're pregnant. Would you like us to refer you to an OB/GYN..."

My mind shut down at that moment; my limbs went numb with shock as I struggled to keep myself from hyperventilating. My phone slipped onto the bed from my frozen fingers, and suddenly everything was crystal clear.

It all made sense now; the vomiting even thought my memory and my headache were cured. The lack of appetite, the fact that my period was four weeks late, my exhaustion, every single sign pointed to this terrifying but straightforward truth.

I was pregnant. And the Professor was the father.

Oh. Ya. Allah!

The Secret Life of My Husband, The Professor ✔️Where stories live. Discover now