09| Crossing A Line

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Wahaj's POV

It was still early when I woke up.

Barely bright, but just adequately to know last night is a thing of history. Last night. What happened last night?

I couldn't for the life of me evoke any of it.

All I knew is that I was sporting one hell of a headache. Ya Allah, please help me.

Lucky the sheets hugging my body are heavenly soft against my skin. I turn onto my left shoulder to ease the stiffness in my neck and then I still all movement when I see correctly who's laying next to me.

Wherever it is, I am laying. It was definitely not my bed.

I take my time to catch my breath. And then the stranger moves slightly, turning their head into my direction.

Holy shit! Professor Yilmaz!

I was about to faint when I saw him as I realize we were both naked. Admittedly I didn't.... It wouldn't be right for me to go and sleep with a stranger, especially not my Professor.

Even if the said Professor is as hot as Ibrahim Yilmaz.

Too many questions were raised in my head as I try to find a logical explanation, but nothing comes to mind. Did he kidnap me? Why would a professor who can have any girl kidnap me!! Shit that wasn't logical...

I was definitely panicking. Professor. Yilmaz is luckily still sound asleep.

My eyes start searching the room for my clothing.

My jeans were found by the door, while my bra is laying on the chair. On the other side of the room, my shirt seems to be directly next to the bed. My panties are... nowhere to be found.

Shit, what did I do? My heartbeat started to rise.

I try to get from under the sheet, carefully, slowly, as to not wake my sleeping companion. Then suddenly, I take notice of something

very very peculiar.

Wow... Well, that is... another.

Just below his chest, the sheet covering Professor Yilmaz is tented high.

My jaw drops at sight, and then I snap my mouth back closed.

Yilmaz stirs a little, causing the cover to move.

As quickly and silent as possible, I gather all of my clothes. Wishing for the man to please not wake up until I left the house.

When I pull up the zipper of my pants, Yilmaz groans sleepily at the barely-there sound.

I hold my breath as the man turns slightly, causing the sheet to slide off of him, exposing his naked body.

I try not quick enough to avert my eyes in time to not catch a glimpse of my fully exposed Professor. I really shouldn't be looking at the man. My very naked Professor.

Ya Allah, please forgive me... I swallow thickly as I avert my eyes. The fact that I was naked in bed with the brown-haired man just a moment before is something I decide to not think about again.

The fact that my muscles feel slightly sore right now must have everything to do with the fact that I probably danced a lot the night before. Yes, that must be it.

Without giving the sleeping man another glance, I exit the room, find my shoes, jacket, and headscarf and then exits the house. The gigantic mansion.

Damn this man must have everything big, doesn't he?

I can feel my cheeks flush red at the very thought.

Just go home, Wahaj... And so I do.

I woke up from that dream sweating furiously as I tried to comprehend if that was only a dream or a memory I forgot and just regained. Needless to say, I needed evidence and the only person who would have it was Professor. Yilmaz.

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