13| The Day Everything Changed

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Wahaj's POV

After viewing the Professor's ink, it kept repeating in my mind. Trying to be cognizant of my reality wasn't something I could arrange at that moment as I fled from the clinic. I couldn't even cry as I was in a shock. I didn't know what to do. Although I still didn't remember, I felt like I couldn't breathe. How can I face my grandmother with this realization? How can I tell anyone about this? But most of all, how can I answer my creator?

I sow Ayaaz car parked outside the clinic as he was waiting for me. I quickly entered the car, and he started bashing me with questions.

"Are you cured yet?" He started as if he knew something went wrong, but I knew I couldn't tell him, he would literally kill me this second.

"Salam Wahaj, how was your day" I prompted, "Why don't you ask those kinds of inquiries instead of your stupid question ?" I abruptly said as I was in a distressed state. 

I hated Ayaaz driving me around, but I didn't have a choice. My grandmother didn't allow me to drive after the car accident. My aunts were either in the cafe shop or helping my grandmother in the mansion. While Eylul didn't ride her car or left the house ever since her mother's death. She wasn't even able to breathe without one of us reminding her to do so, unlike Ayaaz, who didn't seem to even care.

"Do you want me to talk to Mrs chamberlain to change the therapist ?" He asked after my unexpected response.

"No, she was nice enough to pay for it" I replied to his question as I looked out of the window. "I don't think the problem is the therapist, the problem is that I am looking for answers in people when my issues will only be solved by Allah," I replied as the rest of the drive became silent.


It had been a few days since the therapy session, everything became senseless after that. I forthwith knew for sure that I didn't dream of the Professor, just saying this made my head spin, and my guts to be turned.

As for my engagement with Elian, he hadn't talked to me, and his mother has avoided my grandmother's phone calls. In a way, I think he knew something happened in those twenty-one days and he was too much of a coward to face me and say anything about it.

He just sent his sister to pick up the ring, he gave me, and that was the last I heard from him even in college, he demanded to be switched to another building.

I tried my best to hide how much pain I was actually in. Most mornings, I would get up and barf everything I ate last night. Breathing normally was a chore, I had to force myself to smile most of the time, and I felt like I was in a constant state of waiting. For what, I'm not really sure, but I was continually anxious.

I knew the moment anyone found out that I wasn't a virgin anymore, I would be forced to either leave the house or run away. I tried to think of why would I do such a thing when I genuinely believe that it was wrong, I then began reciting the Quran to bring ease to my heart.

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