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Beep beep beep be-

Angel slammed the snooze button on his alarm clock, effectively silencing the annoying sound. He laid in his bed for a moment, unmoving as he let his brain wake up. His raven black wings were splayed across the queen sized bed. The unnatural size of the wings dug into his shoulder blades. Eleven and a half feet was more than twice his height. Angel was a not so staggering five foot four inches and and he always cursed the fact that he was just below the average height of a male of his age. Tall people were stupid anyway.

"Angel! Are you up yet?" Angel's Mom called from downstairs.

"Yeah!" He shouted back. He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and yawn escaped his lips as he stretched, making his bones crack. Dragging himself out of bed, he glanced into the mirror, and smiled. Today was the first day at a brand new school. Haven High School was famous for their education system and their acceptance of all different species. It was said that it was a place where vampires and werewolves could live in harmony. Where mummies walked freely. The pamphlet his mom showed him had no mention of any half-angels though. Angel would be the first.

Moving away from the mirror, he threw on a light blue shirt and a pair of jeans. Simple yet accommodating. He then grabbed a brush from his dresser and began working out the tangles in his light brown hair, being extra careful around the blonde tips.

"Angel, honey, breakfast is ready! Hurry up, or you'll be late!" His Mom yelled as if on cue.

"Coming, Mom," Angel called halfheartedly. He trudged down the stairs and was met by the delicious scent of pancakes. He greeted his mother with a good morning kiss on the cheek, and sat down. According to the clock hanging on the wall above him, the bus would arrive in ten minutes. Speed was essential. After shoveling the delicious pancakes into his mouth, Angel was glad it helped him wake up. Usually, he was good at being awake and ready to face the day. Today, he was on the fence.

Rushing upstairs, Angel scrubbed his teeth, perhaps harder than necessary, and dashed down the hall. "Have a good first day, Angel!" His mom called as he brushed past her. Grabbing his bag, he stumbled out the door with the pack only half on him. He yelled a goodbye to his mother and started to walk. Part of him was nervous about being the new kid at such a prestigious school, but it wasn't going to be all bad. Lucky for Angel, it was the same school as his best friend Mikaela. She too, was going to be a new student. Mikaela Johnson was one of the only reasons he was going with only a sliver of fear.

Even though his wings were what made him special, Angel couldn't help but feel insecure. He'd never met any other half-angel. As far as he was concerned, he was the only one in existence. Angel didn't know where he was born, how he was born, or who his real parents were. Whenever he broached the subject with his mom, the story was always the same. That he'd been found on the side of the road in the pouring rain. No name tag, no note. Nothing. Angel eventually made peace with this, and decided that he didn't need,-or want-, to know anything more.

Still, the thought nagged at Angel. Despite the mystery behind him, and the fact that he was supposedly this miracle being, he didn't want to be made fun of or thrown into the spotlight because of the wings he was "blessed" with. Arriving at the bus stop, Angel set down his bag on the grass and pulled out a gray hoodie. He slipped it around himself in such a way that it hid his wings perfectly. It was relatively warm out, which gave Angel a suffocating feeling. Swallowing hard, Angel hummed a song to distract himself. He was two and a half minutes early.

"Man, you do not look good," an ethereal voice echoed next to him suddenly. Rolling his eyes, a smirk tugged at the end of Angel's lips as he slipped his backpack back on his back.

"Finally learned how to use 'man'properly, Mikaela?" He asked, trying to keep from laughing.

"Excuse me? Thou shalt not create fun of my 'lingo'," Mikaela defended. She sounded relatively close.

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