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Oliver gritted his teeth. He hated social interaction. It had bothered him since yesterday. Normally, he was skilled in the art of getting out of partner projects and taking things solo. But there was no way he was going to get out of it. Now, he was paired with someone who was not only new, but someone he couldn't even remember the name of. Oliver was even stupid enough to give him his address. Their plan was to head to Lookout Point on Saturday, four days from now. All Oliver could do was hope and pray that his partner wasn't one of those clingy types. The ones that were so drunk with the idea of being like him, someone who always caught the eye of girls. Or one of the ones who wanted to get close and exploit his secrets. His thoughts drifted to his mother for a brief moment before he shook his head, burying the thoughts away.

Today was an alternative day, which provided time for all the classes he didn't have yesterday. Thankfully, he didn't have to see his geography partner today. He didn't have to leave school with the image of that loud mouth brat burned into his mind. For now, there was only one class left. Gym. Oliver hoped he wouldn't get stuck with Olivia breathing down his neck for the day's exercise. She would never be able to shut up about the people that annoyed her, or his fangs. They would never get anything done.

Using his super speed, Oliver raced past clusters of people in the hallway. As he expected, he'd gotten there before anyone else, making it easier for him to change in the locker rooms. Once he emerged, he busied himself with walking laps as slowly as he could. "Early again I see." a voice appeared behind him. Oliver turned to see Ms. Turner smiling at him, her whistle dangling from her neck. He nodded, and she put a hand on her hip. "Well, make yourself useful and set up those volleyball nets." she prompted. She pointed to a heap of nets in the corner of the room. Silently, Oliver gave her a two-fingered salute, and dashed over to the nets. He had them put up and sturdy in two seconds flat. Ms. Turner rolled her eyes and Oliver countered with a smirk.


Minutes later, students began filing into the gym. Oliver scowled when he noticed the new guy was among them. "Ollie!" And unfortunately, so is Olivia... Shit. Oliver watched with disgust as she jogged towards him, her ponytail swinging melodically behind her. She stopped about two inches from him, already dressed in her gym clothes."Hey Ollie!" Olivia nearly screeched again. "Maybe we can be partners for the activities!" Heh. Dream on.

Oliver scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Please.. I rather stab myself with a stake before I let that happen." He made sure his voice had an edge and sharpness in high hopes to ward her off. To his dismay, her smile only widened and she blushed. Annoyed, Oliver looked around to find something else to occupy the time he had before class started. Luckily, Ms. Turner saved him by blowing her whistle and demanding that laps be run. Olivia, along with half the class groaned. Oliver followed suit, but ran with the super speed he'd saved earlier. By the time he'd run 60 laps, the rest of the class had ran one. Oliver laughed out loud, the joy of his incapability to be out of breath filling him like a drug. The egotistical pride is all you have.

Oliver's smile melted into a frowned and he jogged up to Ms. Turner. "I ran 60." He reported tonelessly. "Can I sit out?"

Ms. Turner smiled unsurprisingly and pointed to a spot against the wall. "You can sit next to Angel." she instructed. Oliver smiled at her, but on the inside he was groaning. Turning away from Ms. Turner, he slowly walked over to Angel, who he recognized as his science partner, and slid down the wall to sit cross-legged next to him. Angel looked over at him and gave a small smile, his brown blonde hair falling into his green eyes. Oliver rolled his eyes and looked away. Angel shifted his position uncomfortably, swiping the hair behind his ear. Finally, after a few excruciating seconds, he tapped Oliver on the shoulder. He unwillingly turned to face him.

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