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Oliver sat by the pile of sticks in front of him, that last night held their campfire. Olivia lay beside him, still unconscious. Simon had gone off somewhere in the forest to either get help or more food. After they had fled from the house, they had run into the woods. They had lost Mira quicker than Oliver thought they would've. Nevertheless, the pair kept running until Simon determined that this spot would be safe for them to crash. They paced around the rest of the night, Simon too awake on nerves, and Oliver not able to sleep due to the fact that he was dead.

Oliver noticed that his brother kept casting worried glances at Olivia's unconscious body from time to time. "Will she wake up?" He asked Oliver, not for the first time.

"It's like I said the last ten times," Oliver grumbled, hugging his knees. "She won't wake until probably tomorrow. The venom needs time to work its way through her body and settle in." Simon frowned. Oliver couldn't decide if it was because he was hoping she would wake up sooner or that he didn't like the word venom. He personally, hoped it wasn't either option. Finally, as the sun began to rise at the start of the new day, Simon decided he couldn't take it anymore. He'd wandered farther into the woods without a word. Oliver couldn't blame him. He also needed time to himself to think.

The only thing he could think about while avoiding the thought of his mother or Olivia or Simon, was Angel. Oliver wondered what he was doing. Getting ready for school? Eating breakfast? There was no doubt that he was probably was worried sick that Oliver hadn't tried to call him or text him. Was he thinking that Oliver didn't care? The thought made him sick. At the same time though, he knew that Angel wasn't the type of person to worry so easily, and if he was worrying, he hoped that Angel would chalk it up to it being his mother behind the reason. 

He wondered when he would see Angel again. And when he did, he hoped that he was as understanding Oliver had thought. The more he thought about Angel, the more the hole in his chest grew. He never had this feeling before. He knew why. He'd never gotten close to a person in order to form a strong bond. If he was away from people he didn't care about, it didn't hurt like this. Oliver longed to see Angel. He longed to hug him, to kiss him, to touch him, to run his fingers through the angel's multicolored hair. Remembering their first kiss sent a shutter through his body. He wondered if he would ever get to kiss him again.  

Suddenly, Olivia twitched. Oliver snapped his head to look at her. His eyes widened at her. It was about the time that she would have to awake. He turned his attention to the woods. He hoped that Simon would be smart enough to come back with a dead animal; something that Olivia could feed on when she awoke. If she was just starting to stir now, that could be any second.

As if on cue, Olivia shot straight up. Oliver moved back. Being near a newly born vampire wasn't the smartest idea unless the person had a death wish. Sure, he was already dead, but getting an arm torn off seemed like it would hurt like a bitch. Olivia's head snapped to the right, then to the left. Her new blood red eyes bore into Oliver with a crazed glint. She wasn't breathing heavily, like a wolf cub might be, but she was growling, her fangs shining. They were sharp.

"Olivia-" Oliver managed before Olivia tackled him. He grunted and wrestled with her as she tried to take a bite out of him. She was snarling, and he could barely handle her new strength. Newborns were always stronger than regular vampires for at least a month after their transformation. Finally, he managed to flip their position and grab the back of her head, slamming it to the ground. Olivia screamed in frustration. With much effort and frustration, Oliver had her arms held behind her back and forced her to stand up.

That was a mistake. Olivia stepped backward and slammed him up against a tree, making him wince. "Damn..." He grunted. 

In front of him, the bushes rustled. They both snapped at attention. Simon emerged from the greenery, breathing heavily. His hair was covered in sticks, leaves, and dirt. Behind him, was a shimmering blue light. Mikaela Johnson, Angel's best friend. She wasn't breathing heavily, but her expression was extremely worried and frightened. Simon's eyes raised and widened when he looked at the situation his brother was in. Immediately, his cheeks flushed. "Oliver! She's awake?"

Oliver frowned at him as he continued to struggle behind Olivia, who loved the fact that she had just been presented with a fresh and probably tasty morsel. She began to thrash violently, struggling to break free. "Yeah-" Oliver grunted as he was slammed into the tree again. He tightened his grip on her arms and tried to force her to the ground again, to no avail. 

Mikaela looked at him and her eyes widened. "Is that Olivia?" 

Simon looked at her and scratched the back of his head. "It's sort of a long story... You see-"

"Simon!" Oliver screamed. It was getting harder and harder to keep Olivia restrained. "She needs blood!" 

His brother's eyes widened as if he just realized. "Oh, right. What kind of blood would work best? Bear? Deer? Rabbit? I can get-"


"Right!" Simon threw his hands up in surrender. "I'm going." He shot an apologetic look at Mikaela, then turned and ran into the woods. The ghost watched him leave, then looked at Oliver.

"I would help," she said, her tone sad. "but-"

"Ghost," Oliver said. Olivia wasn't thrashing as much now that Simon was gone, but it was still complicated. "I got that."

"What're you doing all the way out here?" Mikaela asked. "Simon didn't tell me much after hearing why I was here. He figured-"

"Long story." He felt bad for interrupting her again, but Olivia was a handful and he was getting angry. "Why are-" With one rough push, Oliver forced Olivia to the ground with a thud. Mikaela flinched. Oliver put his knee on Olivia's back and loosened his grip on her arms, but didn't let go. He looked at Mikaela. "Why are you here?"

She suddenly looked uncomfortable. "It's also a long story. You look like you're busy so..." she glanced at Olivia. "Let's wait until she's normal. Well.. as normal as a vampire can be."

Oliver followed Mikaela's gaze and looked at Olivia, -who was still struggling-, then shrugged. "Fair enough." 

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