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Angel would never be afraid to admit that he'd melted into the kiss. His mouth shaped perfectly against Oliver's, and they kissed each other passionately. The vampire's chilly fingers still rested on Angel's chin, tilting it upwards, closer to him. Oliver's other hand held gently to a bit of Angel's hair. Angel himself, had his hands pressed flatly against Oliver's chest. The kiss was making him delirious. He found himself forgiving and forgetting how bitter Oliver had once been to him, and settled on seeing this Oliver, the Oliver that was kissing him like he had nothing left to lose, as the real Oliver. The vampire that had cast aside his fears. The fear of his mother, the rumors, and whatever else held him back. In that moment, it was just Angel and Oliver. The two of them. Together.

Suddenly, Oliver yanked himself away, breaking the kiss abruptly. With a cry, he stumbled backwards, turned away, and hunching over, he clamped a hand over his mouth. The kiss had left Angel feeling dizzy, but seeing him snapped him back to reality. "Oliver?" he asked quietly, taking a step forward. "What's wrong?"

"Don't come any closer!" he shouting, putting a hand out. Angel jumped. "I-" he choked as his words troubled him. "I don't want to h-hurt you." The vampire's voice cracked. "I need... I need blood."

Angel's eyes widened. "O-oh." He didn't know what to think. What was he supposed to do? He'd never been in this kind of situation before. "When was the last time you last-" What words was he even supposed to use? "...fed?"

Oliver flinched. "T-that's not important."

"Of course it is!" Angel took a step forward. "You're a vampire! It's literally supposed to be the most important thing in your life."

Oliver still didn't look at him. "You are the most important thing in my life." He croaked.

Angel's cheeks flared, but he ignored it. "You need to feed." A thought crossed his mind, and he gulped. "Drink my blood."

"No!" Oliver's voice didn't sound like it normally did. It was growl. It sounded beastly. Like a hungry vampire. He whipped around and Angel gasped. His eyes were blood red. His fangs protruded out of his mouth. They looked very sharp. "I will never ask you to give me your blood." He closed his eyes and exhaled. "I refuse to do it." Oliver opened his eyes again. His eyes were still red, but he seemed to be more calm. "I won't do it because I lo-" his mouth closed and he turned away again.

This time, Angel didn't hesitate. He stormed over to Oliver, grabbed his shoulders, and spun him around. When Angel spoke, his voice was soft. "I love you too." Oliver's eyes widened. "Which is why," Angel continued. "I can't let you allow yourself to suffer like this." The vampire's gaze softened. "If you do it, my angel blood should be all I need. It'll counteract the vampire venom, preventing me from being able to turn." Oliver frowned, his eyes sad.


"No buts." Angel interrupted. He dropped his hands from his shoulders and tilted his head to the side, and pulled down the collar of his shirt. His neck was now fully exposed. "Drink."

On the word of command, Oliver was on him so fast, Angel gasped. He could feel the cold of his fingers grasp his shoulders through his shirt fabric. Oliver's dark hair tickled Angel's neck as he leaned over. He gasped as Oliver's fangs sank into his neck. They felt like two tiny needle pricks. The pain was minimal, but surprising. Then he felt it. His mouth dropped open into a perfect "o". The blood inside his body was flowed out of him like a current. Angel's vision blurred. Dizziness filled his head. He hear Oliver gulp slowly, still hesitant. Angel groaned as he continued to feed.

After a few more seconds, Oliver's fangs retracted, and he slowly lifted his head. He met Angel's eyes. They were full of sadness. "Please..." he whispered. Then he lowered his head again. Angel thought he meant to drink again, but instead the vampire rested his head on his shoulder. "don't make me do that again..." Oliver whispered against him.

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