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Tears ran down Angel's cheeks at the sight of Oliver thrashing and screaming. He was in so much pain, Angel could ignore his own. He waited for him to crumble to dust. He didn't know how long Oliver had been a vampire, but it was long enough that Rebecca said he would die. Neither Angel nor Mira said a word. Simon was dead. Oliver's body stilled. With a frantic breath, Angel scrambled over to him and touched his face. He was shocked. Oliver's skin was warm. Laying his head on his chest, he gasped at the soft rhythm of a heartbeat. "He's alive..." Angel whispered.

"Impossible!" Mira exclaimed. "It shouldn't be able to happen."

Angel froze. As he stood, anger flooded through him. His boyfriend's mother had caused so much trouble. She's terrorized his friends, turned Oliver human, and killed her youngest son. She's made everyone scared, angry, and sad. Mira reminded Angel of every one of his past fears. She reminded him of the Dad who wanted nothing to do with him, the mother who had loved him, the way Oliver never experienced. She'd caused Oliver and Simon so much pain and suffering, longer than any of the others ever had to endure. Angel was angry.

As he turned towards the wicked woman, he projected his emotions. When Mira looked at him, her eyes widened and she stumbled backwards. "W-what is t-this?" she stuttered. "W-what the hell are you?"

Angel had no idea what she was talking about, and he didn't care. He step towards her and with every step he moved forward, it was another step she took backwards. "You have caused everyone so much pain," Angel's voice was low, but sharp. "You are nothing but trouble." His inky black wings unfurled and he flapped them once, just enough to levitate him. "Monsters like you are the ones who deserve to be disposed of."

Mira gulped. "Please! Have mercy on me!"

Angel's shadow grew larger in the pavement as a bright glow outlined him. "God pities the beasts like you who have committed nothing but sin." He was vaguely aware that his voice seemed to echo as he spoke. Wind blew throughout the lot, violent and tough. It whipped through his hair and tumbled angrily towards Mira.

"P-please!" Mira cried. There were no tears on her face, and though Angel knew the reason behind it, the fact still angered him. The trace of the tears that were once on his face seemed to dry away instantly.

Angel raised his hand towards Mira. "Mira Young, may God have mercy on your soul."

There was a flash, so bright that the entire forest seemed to drown in it. There was fierce ringing, then everything was quiet. When the light faded, Mira was gone. No body, no dust. Angel lowered his hand. Though there was no evidence of the fact, he knew for certain that the vampire woman was dead. He'd expelled her to whatever afterlife she may have been judged to go to. All of his energy seemed to drain out of him all at once. His flying faltered and he crashed to the ground. Through his closed eyelids, there wasn't darkness. Instead, there was only white.

A yellow figure appeared in that light, small at first, but then it walked closer. The angel projected immense power. And suddenly, Angel was lying on the ground of white in front of this figure in the same way he was on the pavement. The figure bend down to look at him. She was a beautiful woman with long brown hair that billowed as if a breeze were running through it. She smiled warmly at him and touched Angel's arm. "You've done well, my son."

"M-mom...?" Angel stuttered groggily.

"You won't remember as you were so young, but there is no parental system for the original angels of Heaven. But yes, Angel, I have always seen you as my son." A name flashed in Angel's brain. Sylvia. The woman who had cast him down to Heaven to help humanity. "And you're doing just that," Sylvia agreed. "I sent you to earth in hopes that you would bring great thing s to the human race, and already you have managed to form a bond between ghosts, werewolves, vampires, and humans alike. I can't wait to see how you spend the rest of eternity."

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