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One Week Later

When Angel had told him about the location he'd chosen for the picnic, Oliver was conflicted. One one hand, it was a damn forest. And he'd developed a hatred for trees. On the other hand, it was Lookout Point, where everything started. So, on the Saturday evening they'd planned, Oliver met Angel at the valley. He grinned when he saw the picnic basket he's packed. "Oh no way," he said in awe. "You made... chicken sandwiches?"

Angel turned from where he was bringing out the silverware and laughed at the no doubt silly expression on his face. "Yes, babe. I did. They're homemade, and your favorite, so you better enjoy them."

It was true. After an entire week of being human, Oliver had experienced a lot of good and bad things. The kids at Haven High had been all over him, wanting to know the story on his transformation. The teachers had requested he go to the nurse for check ups six times a day, for some reason. He hated not having super speed anymore, but he loved naps more than anything. Except Angel, of course.

"All done." Angel announced as he looked over the food he'd set out, which was all of Oliver's recent favorites. Chicken sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, strawberries, and cinnamon rolls. There was so much food that was created when Oliver was a vampire, he couldn't wait to try them all. Angel sat down beside him by the basket and they looked out at the horizon while waiting for the rest of their guests to arrive. Olivia had made the decision to drop out of school and go around the world from "a vampire's point of view." (Her words, not his.) Zydega had said that the schedule was open enough to where Lexi could attend, but not Simon. Something about wolf pack membership inductions. Mikaela was also coming, of course.

Angel sighed and laid his head on Oliver's shoulder. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"If you're going to ask if I'm going to go through puberty again, I swear to God-"

Angel laughed. "No! I mean-" He hesitated. "What was Charles like?"

Oliver froze. It wasn't a question he'd been expecting. Wordlessly, he wrapped his arms around Angel and pulled him closer. "Charlie was..."Where do I even begin? "A wonder. He could light up any room he walked in. He was funny, and a constant drunk." Oliver chuckled a bit. "He would've liked you."

Angel hummed. "How did he die?"

Oliver hesitated. "He..." His throat was instantly dry. Another downside to the human-ness of him. He cleared it and started again. "He was killed. 1927. It was the era of vampire hunters."

Angel was silent for a moment. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, Love. I got to spent a long time with him, even if we were a part of Mira's family." He sighed. "She didn't take Charlie's death well." Oliver shook his head. "I don't think I told you, but he was the reason I became a vampire."

Angel turned and looked at him with wide eyes. "Really?"

Oliver nodded. "Yeah. The thought of living without him... It was unthinkable."

"But what about your family?"

Instead of responding, he nuzzled his face into Angel's neck. when he looked up again, Angel was looking at him with a smile. His eyes sparkled as if to say, I understand how hard it can be to lose someone you love. The two of them looked each other in the eyes, then Oliver leaned down and kissed Angel's soft lips. He felt him melt against him. Oliver held him closely, not ever wanting to let him go. I swear to you. I will never let you go. Not now. Not ever. I would trade my life for yours in a heartbeat. In some way, those were the unspoken words that the kiss held. It felt like it was a happily ever after. Actually, that's exactly what it was.

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