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Oliver could feel the rage growing inside him. Of all the emotions he should be feeling, it was all he could manage to feel. After all his research, he'd finally managed to find her. The woman who had his father's research.

The woman's eyes widened in shock. "E-excuse me?"

"Oliver!" Simon yelled, and put a hand roughly on his shoulder. "Calm down!" Oliver clenched his fists tightly at his sides and closed his eyes. He focused on the feeling of his brother's hand on his shoulder, the presence of his friends around him, and the thought of seeing Angel again. Slowly, his fangs went back into his mouth and he slowly opened his eyes. The woman's expression softened, but the fear didn't leave her.

"Uh, hello." Mikaela greeted. Oliver looked at her. She gave him a warning look before smiling at the woman. Simon's hand left his shoulder. "My name is Mikaela, and these are my friends." She gestured to each of them individually. "Simon, Oliver, and... Olivia." Behind her, Olivia scoffed. "We were wondering if you've seen a boy come around here in the past day or so." Mikaela described Angel to her,-even adding in about his wings-, and Oliver crossed his fingers and hoped that they'd have some luck. "We need to find him." Mikaela explained. "I- we are really worried about him." The woman frowned a little and looked at all of them one by one.

"I'm sorry, Mikaela." She apologized. "I run a bed and breakfast here in this small town, and I can't really remember every name and face I see." The woman chuckled. "Unfortunately that is still the case even though I barely get any guests." She looked at Oliver, who couldn't help but glare at her. "But, if you want, you're welcome to come inside and have a look around. Maybe one of the residents here will turn out to be the boy you're looking for. They're also tea and cookies in the oven if you're interested."

"But Ma'am.." Simon spoke up. "Oliver and Olivia are vampires, and Mikaela's a ghost. I'm the only one who can eat."

The woman's eyes widened as if she were just realizing this for the first time. "Oh my!" She exclaimed. "I'm so sorry!" She looked truly horrified. "We have blood pouches for the vampires, and I'm sorry dear," She looked at Mikaela. "Ghosts don't-"

"Ghost don't eat." Mikaela finished. She sighed sadly. "I know."

"More for me!" Simon exclaimed. "Ow!" Olivia had hit him in the arm.


The bed and breakfast was gorgeous. The hardwood floors were polished, so you could see your reflection. The walls were wood, and pictures hung from them. The woman led them down a large hallway that branched off into multiple different sections. On the left side, there was a small room painted ocean blue. The floor matched this with a under the sea pattern printed on the carpet. There were bookshelves on every inch of the walls and book filled every shelf. There were matching lounge chairs in the middle of the room. The woman stopped and turned towards them. " Pardon me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Rebecca. Feel free to take a seat in here while I bring out your food."

When Rebecca left, the group took a seat, Oliver and Olivia in the lounge chairs and Mikaela at Oliver's feet, and Simon at Olivia's. "So somebody's gotta ask it," Olivia spoke up. She turned her attention to Oliver, frowning deeply. "What is up with you and Rebecca? Do you know her or something?"

"Yeah," Simon piped up. "When you saw her, you were all like, 'It's you." like you'd seen her before."

Oliver frowned nervously. "About that-"

"Food's here!" The group snapped their heads up as Rebecca came into the room with a tray of cookies and a pitcher of tea. She set in on an end table next to Olivia. "I'm having one of the guests bring in the blood bags," She said, nodding at Oliver. Rebecca put her hands on her hips. "Now if you don't mind me askin', how do you think you know me?"

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