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Anger filtered through Oliver like a river. "What makes him think he has the right to come over here?" Oliver yelled, stomping over to the kitchen table. Simon had moved himself over to the couch. To Kill A Mockingbird was spread open in his hands.

"New dark horse in the running?" He commented without looking up. After a minute, he pulled a bookmark out of thin air and marked his place. He paid Oliver his full attention. "I've never seen a guy come around begging for your attention before. What did you do? Hypnotize him?" Oliver wasn't looking at him-, his head was down on the table-, but he could hear the smirk in his brother's voice. "Whatever the case," Simon continued. "that was quite the interaction the two of you had. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like having that boy around."

Oliver's head snapped up and he narrowed his eyes at Simon's smug expression. "What the hell makes you say that?"

Simon laughed a full laugh and stood from the couch, the book forgotten. "I just want to put out there that I'm not against you dating dudes by any means, but I think for your own safety that you should know," he came over and took a seat across from Oliver. "The first step is always denial." He informed. Oliver groaned and swept a strain of black hair out of his eyes. With a huff, Oliver rose and headed to the back of the house, where the hatch was. Wordlessly, he opened it and the ladder fell. The ladder that lead to the rooftop. Staring up it, Oliver frowned. He needed time to think.

"You're going to the roof to think that there's no way it could be true, aren't you?" Simon called. Oliver gritted his teeth and tossed up a middle finger in the air he knew his brother couldn't see.

"I hate you!" He screamed.

"I know!" Simon yelled back, followed by another annoying chuckle. With a grunt, Oliver climbed the ladder, and clambered onto the roof. He gasped at the large figure perched on the roof. It was huge. Definitely not a bird.

"Who the hell are you, and what are you doing on my roof?" He called. The figure remained still. Frozen. Caught. "Well?" Oliver asked impatiently. "Out with it! I haven't got all night!" He curled his fingers into a tight ball, ready to attack. How had this thing gotten on the roof so quietly? How had it gotten on the roof at all? The figure shifted, and Oliver scowled, clenching my jaw. "That's it!" He started towards the figure.

"Wait!" It was a boy's voice. The figure's hands shot up in the hair. surrendering. He didn't turn around. Oliver stopped coming at him. He huffed, waiting for the boy to say something. "I didn't mean any harm. I just really liked the view from here." Surprised, Oliver's hard expression melted and his face softened. His fingers loosened. "I'll go if you want. I didn't mean to be a bother." The figure stood. Damn it.

"Wait." My voice was sharper, but quiet, which surprised him. The figure turned towards me. His face was hidden under the dark shadows of the night. His figure was huge. He wasn't fat; he was more sticks and skin than anything. It was more of the large black silhouette of wings that alarmed- no that wasn't the right word. The wings interested him.

Oliver walked closer to him. "What are you?" The boy tensed like he'd been hit with a rock. "I've never seen anything like you before. With those wings... You look-"

"Hideous...?" The boy suggested quietly, almost like he knew for certain that that's what his next word would be.

"No," Oliver frowned. "I was going to say cool." The creature straightened in surprised. Oliver took another step closer to him. They were four feet apart. Annoyance nagged him. The boy was facing Oliver directly, and yet his identity remained anonymous. "Do I know you?" The vampire asked. The figure remained still unanswering. Oliver scoffed, crossing his arms. "Forget it. I don't care." A pause. "You should get going," he advised the flying boy. "Before my brother comes up here."

Did It Hurt? (bxb)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora