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"It's not my fault I'm a fucking vampire!"

The voice startled Angel so much, when he realized it was Oliver, he just stared in awe. When the boy turned in his direction, they made eye contact. Oliver flashed him a smirk. Angel  immediately looked elsewhere out of embarrassment, sure he was blushing. When he dared himself to look back, Oliver had disappeared as if he'd never been there to begin with. Angel shuttered. Olivia, who was just as shocked by Oliver's outburst as everyone else, shook herself out of it and stormed over to the kids who had made fun of Oliver to chew them out. Angel sighed, blowing a strand of his brown-blonde hair out of his eyes. It was a long walk up the hill to the school. By the time he made it, he was out of breath. Part of him wished he could've flown.

Mikaela disappeared shortly after entering the building. Angel frowned. They were both new, but it seemed like she already knew her way around. Groaning, Angel turned the corner of the long hallway and jumped. Oliver stood with his head against one of the lockers, banging his head lightly against them. Angel's eyes widened, and the grip on his backpack tightened. Hesitantly, he made his way over to him.

"A-are you okay?" Angel asked quietly, his hands sweaty against the leather straps. He mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

"Just peachy," Oliver responded, sarcasm dripping from every one of his words. He didn't bother to stop hitting his head off the wall.

"Okay..." Angel muttered. He decided to mark it off as a mental breakdown. Sighing, Angel continued. "I'm new here, and as you might guess, I have no idea where I'm going. Would you mind telling me where the office is? I need to get my schedule and locker combination."

"Yes," Oliver responded, ceasing his self harm.

"Excuse me?"

Turning around, Oliver leaned his back against the lockers and crossed his arms. His dark eyes narrowed and looked him up and down in assessment. Angel raised an eyebrow. "I meant," Oliver said slowly, looking at his nails. "Yes, I mind. You talk too much. I don't like to put up with people who talk too much."

Angel's eyes widened, and he crossed his arms. "I may talk too much, but at least I'm not a rude jerk."

Oliver threw up his hands. "Ooh! PG rated insults! I'm so scared. Look out everybody, he's a vicious one!"  Angel glared at him, his mouth tight. "Try this one on for size, sweetheart." Oliver eased off the lockers and stepped closer to Angel. He was so close, Angel could feel his breath tingling his skin. It smelled like mint. "You sir, are a prick."

Before Angel could formulate a response, Oliver was gone again in the blink of an eye, but not before muttering something about rumors and ghosts for friends. He cursed quietly, using such a word that would leave the stuck up vampire speechless.

"Her name is Mikaela, jackass!" He yelled after him. But of course, it was useless. Angel sighed and decided to go find the office himself.


By the time Angel found the office, it was already half way through first period. When he walked into the classroom, the teacher was already done with the day's algebra lesson. He also didn't even bother sugarcoating it when he scolded Angel. Then on top of that, he even made Angel stand up in front of the class and introduce himself, which only added to the embarrassment. The only good thing that came out of it was that he managed to dodge the question of what species he was. For all Angel cared, they could think he was human.

The history teacher wasn't as bad. She welcomed Angel into her class warmly and only had him say his first and last name. She was his favorite. The reading teacher was fabulous. She seemed very interested in what genre Angel interested in reading, and by the end of the class, Angel had a whole list of book recommendations she'd suggested for him.  By the time lunch rolled around, his stomach was a bottomless pit. Angel couldn't wait to eat. Mikaela's class was closer to the cafeteria, so she'd promised to save him a seat next to her.

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