1-4 : Kurtz's T-Dolls

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Hours later

Kurtz got discharged from the infirmary. He requested to pay a visit his T-Dolls in Repair Section. The section connected in long hallway. He's accompanied with Kalina, while the Commander gather remaining T-Dolls for heading back to Kurtz's Jeep, which the one still remain on the road back there, for getting the military case, a bomb with face sticker on it.

His head bandaged his wound. Still felt dizzy, by getting such high impact from the explosion. Plus, he got two broken ribs. What a reward, he thought himself sarcastically, having a 'nice' day.

Along his way to the repair section, he saw several T-Dolls pass by. All were female, any range of age, from their appearance. Then, the team saved his life, 404 Team pass through. He saw a shiny thing on 416's hand.... A ring?? Must be mad this leader, he thought.

Then again, he knew the stories from his late father. He chuckled, "Your Commander quite had a little harem, didn't he?"

"What? What do you mean by that?" Kalina replied. Curiously she asked him back, "Then how you have a.... male T-Doll?? I thought I.O.P only make girls only."

"Oh, RGP? He's my design, but the mechanism still using T-Doll standard I.O.P manufacturing."

"Wait, so he's new model? So same asthe brunette? I never seen any kind of their models."

"But the other three, we have the models," she added.

"The male and the brunette were made by me and the other three was from my partner, Müller. His T-Doll were upgraded by me.

Well, I, the Combat Engineer able to design at least one unique T-Dolls for joining Scout Division, and create an unique antivirus for my T-Doll. If I don't want join the Scout, my main role will be support on frontline.

The older models, like I.O.P models, were being stored. The reason is those were hacked easily after the SF incident, also our coding must be unique, making it hard for attempt hacking it."

He continue," As for my friend, Müller, is a T-Doll Technician, or we refer them T-Doll Doctor. I think you know what he do."

"Act as your combat medic on field, right?"

Kurtz nodded.

"About you, what about this... unique antivirus. Are they able to link the codings to the rest I.O.P models?" she intrigued from Kurtz's 'codings'.

"Yes, they can. We've made improvement to the rest T-Doll so they can linked with Combat Engineer's T-Dolls.

"So the rest will acting like Dummy link. If your T-Doll have like antivirus so their dummies also have it, is that true?"

"Something like that. Well, l hope whoever try to format my partner T-Dolls and mine not having trouble, it's quite... complicate I must say."

Kalina's face suddenly pale.

"Ohhh I hope AK-12 doesn't loose her smug face," Kalina prayed.


GK Repair Section

Both Kurtz and Kalina arrived the Repair Section. She slid her key card to the lock, open it up. Inside, they saw a T-Doll, standing between GL-06 and RGP 40, where they contained inside capsules. Kurtz relived that his T-Dolls looks still functional in physical. Their consciousness were been 'shut down', make sure no one will use, based his coding.

But, something that Kurtz had chill with that T-Doll who stood between them. She's typing intensely onto the keyboard, on the computer also stood between them. Kurtz look that T-Doll, she had long silver hair, wore in black and pink hue eyes.

Wait, pink eyes and silver hair? Ohhhh boy, this is big no no, he thought. By the description, Kurtz already got goose bump as he saw pink a T-Doll with pink eye.

"Kalina, I think that AK-12 having trouble with my coding. Could you please try to convinced her for letting me do it?" he poked Kalina, giving a sign.

"Huh? Oh my... Yes I should go there.... Wait how did you.."

"Just go. I don't want her fuck up my T-Dolls."

She glance AK-12, "Oh no, her eyes open."

Kalina walk slowly to AK-12. Kurtz saw Kalina changed her mood from caliber assistant to friendly buddy, or it seem. AK-12 just glare to Kalina as she tried explain the situation, then she glanced Kurtz. Kurtz getting goose bump, why is she giving me a death stare? He prayed that AK-12 don't hold any grudge. Moments later, AK-12 shut her eyelids, Kurtz sigh with full relived. She walk out to the door, where Kurtz still standing beside it. AK-12 passed through beside him, Kurtz still got cold when she near to him. He taook a deep breath, blew slowly as she gone.

He then walked toward Kalina. "So what did you tell her?" he asked.

"Just saying that you the owner of these T-Dolls and its you only can reboot yours."

"Wow... I can't believed she eat your words easily. But many thanks, Kalina." He thanked. He take the computer, saw his own firewall. Wow, she even made in this level. Kudos to her, he murmured. The clicking of keyboard that Kurtz typing broke the chill situation, then a pop-up appeared. The pop-up wrote "Greeting Fritz Schmit" . Yes, finally rebooting his T-Dolls.

Both RGP 40 and GL 06 open their eyes, "Kurtz? Where are we? This is not like our HQ," GL 06 asked Kurtz, while her eyes wandering whole surrounding.

"We're in one of Griffin & Kyurger HQ. Apparently they the one who answered our call" Kurtz replied.

"We're in NSU?" RGP 40 asked him.

"You can say that. Oh and she's Kalina, the assistant of The Commander who run this base. Lucky us we been rescued."

"I see. Thank you, Kalina," RGP shown his compliment to Kalina, for aiding his team and Muller's team.

"Oh by the way Kalina, where's Muller's T-Dolls?" Kurtz asked.

"They're still under maintenance. They got a lot more damaged than them."


Kalina's tablet recieved a notification. She open the message, sent from the Commander. "Our T-Doll have got your case that you mention. They already here in War Room."

"That quick. Thanks, anyways. Wait for me to reconfigure my T-Dolls first, then we go there," Kurtz replied, as he continue typing the keyboard, resetting his T-Dolls programmes.

"That's... why I'm here. Guiding you."


[Girls' Frontline] Hertz Kompanie - Scout DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now