2-2 : Late Night Meeting

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Scout Division Quarters, Hertz Kompanie's Poland HQ, late night

Vector laid on the top bunk bed, gazed the empty bunk bed beside of hers. Reminded her with her teamates and GL-40 making living the nights every time. Now, it just her, GL-40, and silence.

GL-40 read a webcomic, chilling on bean bag at their reading corner. While she read, she kept looking on Vector. Vector never seem... seldom. Like a dull, disfunction T-Doll that has not been used for years. She may the quiet one among of them but not this 'type' of quiet.

She sighed. She woke from bean bag, went to Vector. She took a thick blancket and cover themselves over it. She gave a warm hug to Vector. Vector felt it. The warmness. Her tears started to break but she try to hold it. She lost over her emotion. She start cry, her tear flow like a river over her cheeks to her chin. GL-40 patting her head, giving Vector sweet confront.

"What's the matter? Is the boys troubling you?"

She shooked her head and silent herself. GL-40 can see her lips subtly vibrate. Vector tried to control her emotion this time.

"You miss them?"

Vector sobbing, nodded her head. She hugged her, and start crying again.

"There there. You got me. And Müller still alive."

"I know... But ... What happen if...."

"Don't be far out from present. We cannot decide the past but we can change the future. So enjoy on what you got left, okay."

".....Okay" She tightly hugged GL-40. Gl-40 patting her her head gently. Vector never felt warm this before, yet she felt relived.

"Feel better?" GL-40 asked.

Vector wiped her tears, "Yeah. Sorry for being childish"

"That's no childish. It's always inside our programming learning human emotion. Kurtz told me before."



The door knocked few times, then opened up. Speaking with devil, it's Kurtz. He saw both of them hugging each other, comforting themselves with thick blanket.

"Well sorry if I interrupt you guys sharing a story  but you guys need to hold it. We've got quick meeting. Come to the living room".

The living room is not to big nor small for living inside flat house. Their quarters packed with their stuff. Kurtz and Müller offices on between of living room and kitchen. Two bed room for each gender, and two bathroom. One on kitchen and one being shared with the bedrooms.

Both of them walked out after Kurtz mentioned. Isn't late to call a meeting? GL-40 thought.

They found all the members already here. Müller, slowly recoved from his wound, P.A.W, RGP-40 and Kurtz himself sitting three person sofa. All of them surrounded the coffee table. The only spot is the two person sofa. They both sat on it.

"Alright now everyone here we can discuss our training in next few days," Kurtz brought up the main topic in this late night.

"W-wait. What training?" GL-40 seem a little shock, so do Vector.

Müller answered her question, "Just now we discuss who will transfer to my group since I'm the one lead on breach and clear stuff. And based on you guys, which Kurtz's T-Dolls, your performance on close quarter are decent enough. That's why I asked Kurtz for his consent."

GL-40 glance to Kurtz,"Why you didn't tell us early?"

"At first I pick P.A.W and RGP-40 transferring to Müller team. But RGP asked if you want it. 'Cause you can control Vector's current mental state than any of us." Kurtz replied.

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