1-6 : Infiltration

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Abandon Hangar, Somewhere in Node 09 district, 4.24 p.m, NSU

"I've got twelves T-Dolls in front the hangar, six inside and one hung upside-down. Must be him," said RGP 40, scanning the area of the abandon hangar that being told there anonymous activity last three hours ago, after their accident.

"You forget scanning the air, got a dozen of drones. Not only that, those SFs look more well equipped than we fought earlier. Must be a punch to them," GL 06 smirked. Her personality changed drastically when come to combat.

"I've heard you guys knock out entire platoon, from the Commander. You guys must be nuts, which I do not know where this persona come," Kurtz still can't belive. They both smirked.

He stood behind them whilst they squatting navigating their each drones. "Use the HI-EX rounds this time, save the EMP just in case, RGP. Gl, stay with the Jeep, I had guts feeling said they have surprise gifts for us later."

"Roger." They recieved Kurtz's command swift. RGP 40 went outside the woods they been stay put, scouting the hangar's area just recent. Kurtz went the main gate, wide open that those SFs T-Dolls had crystal clear vision on him. "They took the bait, comfront me. Now 40!!!!"


A round of high explosive directly hit a group of T-doll that running toward Kurtz. Kurtz then aiming his HK 416 rifle, attached with 40 mm grenade launcher.


Another round directly hit in front of him. The impact of the explosion vividly he can feel. Demolished, all of it. One of them tried to rise, yet it attempt canceled by Kurtz, giving a single bullet to its head.

"Going in," Kurtz radio them.

"Copy," answered Gl 06.

Kurtz went inside the gigantic hangar. Inside he saw a figure hung up inverted, must be him, he thought. He dealt the other T-Dolls, took a heavy fire yet he manage eliminated them all. He went to the middle, instinctively he look up. "Damn. Must they hit him so much. Hope he didn't reach above fifty."

He saw a crank, linking to chain that tied up Inzuki PAW. He gently bring PAW down, rushe toward him. He grabbed his tablet from his bag, scanning PAW. "Eighty five. Damn they must desperate to make him one of them," he monitored PAW's stress level.

Common method for Sanvi Ferri. They torture the T-Doll for increasing their stress level, so they can reset them back, switching to go on their side.

He studied their method, Kurtz now took some initiative to counter the torture when his T-Doll took a heavy stress level. Above forty, they in deaf mode. Reaching fifty five, a good night sleep for them. If ever tried to hack them, they will infect Kurtz's Trojan virus he made to corrupt themselves.

He typing on his tablet, rebooting PAW. "GAAAHH!!" PAW gasped, woke up from his sleep mode. "Urgh... the fuc.. Kurtz!! How did you found me?
They took off my tracker when we've been... wait how did you survive? You were flung out and.... Are RGP and Gl survived?" those questions were like raining bullets giving to Kurtz, can't answer all in one time.

"Relax PAW. They're saved and now outside this hangar. Second, it's G&K that were saving us. For my part... Probaly God's willing saved me," Kurtz answered. He put down his bag pack, unzipped it. PAW saw his grenade launcher and a magnum hand cannon, Dessert Eagle.

"Strap up, we're extracting you". He then radio the other two, "GL, RGP, I've got PAW. We're extract now."


A shot direct to a container beside them. Both of them startled, Kurtz looked the gunshot sound whilst PAW ready up with his ammo belt, stopped quickly. Footsteps sound heard in front of them.

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