Jethro - Break Up

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A/n: thank you so much for 7k!

Your POV:
Today felt like a great day. Jethro had already left for work that morning. He seemed somewhat off and distant recently. I'm not sure why. He's been spending a lot of time at the lifeguard tower than with me which is understandable as he's a lifeguard but even on his days off he's there.

I had a shower then got myself ready for the day. It was a nice and sunny day. For once I finally had a day off work to relax.

- - - -

I walked into the tower and got greeted by the life guards that were in there. Jethro didn't say a word. "Hey Babe! What's up?" I asked him. "Nothing." He mumbled. I sighed and began to make my way to the door. "It was nice see you all today." I told them. They smiled. "Wait y/n! There is something." I heard Jethro say. We walked to the medical side of the tower and he began to talk. What he was saying formed tears in my eyes. "I can't do this anymore y/n. We're done." Jethro cried with tear stained cheeks. The tears in my eyes fell down faster. "I get it." I said clearly hurt. It went silent. "I loved you Jethro." I cried with tears forming in my eyes. "I loved you too." He said back. "Then why are you doing this." I sobbed. "Because-" he began crying too. "Exactly Jethro. You know what I can't be here anymore. I'm sorry." I told him leaving the tower. "I'll collect my things and go." I said to him.

Jethro's POV:
I just broke up with y/n right in front of a few of my mates. She left the tower crying which broke my heart into a million pieces. I know I shouldn't of broken up with her like that but it's for the best. "Good move Jeff." Harrison said as he left the tower. I've messed up big time. I just chucked 3 years of our relationship in the bin.

Your POV:
As I left the tower one of the lifeguards, Harrison, walked down the stairs. He looked at me. "It'll be alright." He said. I looked at him letting the tears slip down my cheeks. "Just let him go." Harrison said quietly. He gave me the sorry eyes giving me a hug. I walked away crying loudly only enough for me to hear. Jethro was angry with himself. You could hear him crying (when I left the tower). It hurt me but what he did was heartbreaking. I took my last breath and left the beach. It won't stop me from coming to the beach but I won't show up for a few days just to get over the break up. For all the memories made over the past 3 years all to be thrown in the bin. Thank you Jethro for the best 3 years of my life.

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