Harrison - On my own

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Your POV:
Harrison and I have been dating for nearly 2 years. The best 2 years of my life. Well, the two of us have been very intimate in the bedroom over the past few months. Things happen for a reason, right? That happened to us. I've been sick a lot in the mornings and my body just aches a lot. I had a feeling I knew what it was but I didn't want to say anything Harrison to worry him. So I popped to the store when Harrison was at work and bought myself a pregnancy test, a digital one as I trusted them more. It's not the first time I've taken a test while being with Harrison. He was with me last time and it came back negative. It was a relief as we didn't want to have children yet but I was really hoping to be pregnant. When I got home I went straight to the bathroom and took the test. The next 3 minutes went painfully slow. Soon the results were in and I was shocked. Pregnant 3+ weeks. Oh god! What will Harrison think? The front door went which meant Harrison was home. It's now or never. I walked into the living room where Harrison was. "Hey, baby." He said coming over to kiss my lips. "Umm Harrison I have something to tell you." I said taking a seat on on the sofa. "What is it baby?" He asked. I pulled the test out of my pocket handing it to him. I couldn't tell what his reaction was. He was silent for sometime. "Harrison say something?" I said. He looked up at me. "Y/n I'm not ready to be a dad!" Harrison said. "I'm having this baby. I don't care what you choose. I'm having this child." I told him. He shooked his head. "We're done." He said walking out the apartment.

- - - -

There was a knock at the door. I have no clue who it is. I opened the door and it was Harrison's mum, KB. I let her in. "How are you y/n?" His mum said hugging me. "Not so good." I said shutting the door behind me. "Is Harrison not here?" She asked. That's when the tears came to my eyes. "No, he left." I told her making my way into the living room. She noticed the tears in my eyes. We looked at one another. KB pulled me into her arms as I fell to the floor. She hugged me tightly as I cried. "Y/n dear, what's wrong?" She asked softly. "He left me." I cried. "He did not?" She said in disbelief. I could tell in her voice that she was upset with Harrison. "Why did he leave?" She asked rubbing my back. "I'm pregnant." I mumbled as she pulled me tighter. "He doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby and stormed off. He says he's not ready for it all and we're done. We're over." I said crying again. "Oh y/n. He's in the wrong. You're a strong girl and you can do this. If he doesn't want this then that's his fault. I'll be here for you and I'm only a call away if you ever need anything." KB explained. "Thank you." I said as we hugged. "Congratulations. You're going to be a great mum." She added. I smiled. "How far?" She asked. "6 weeks." I said looking up at here. "Wow. I'm happy for you." She said. For the rest of the day, we talked about the baby and have a nice chilled day.

- - - -

It's been 3 years since Harrison left me. He left me during the first stages of my pregnancy and never returned. He's probably found himself a girlfriend and ready to settle down with her. Well, he has missed his son growing up and his son's firsts e.g. steps, words ect. Harrison's mum has been in contact with me throughout the past 3 years of my son's life. "How's my beautiful grandson?" KB said coming into my apartment. "Nanny!" Noah screamed running towards her. KB pulled him in for a hug as she pulled out something from her pocket. It was a small toy car. He loves them. Noah has been collecting them since he could walk basically. She would always bring him a little something every time she came over to visit. I watched from the table smiling. Noah ran off to the sofa to play with his new car and KB came over to me. "How are you doing darling?" She asked giving me a hug. "I've been really good. How about yourself?" I asked. "Good. How's Noah been?" She said. "Really good. We're in the midst of conquering potty training at the moment. It's going really well actually.  He's starting to understand things more and he's asked about his dad a few times. I don't know how to say it to him really." I exclaimed. "Every time I tell Harrison about Noah he just ignores the question and changes the subject." KB told me. That hurt me slightly. "It shows how great of a father he is." I mumbled. KB understood where I was coming from. We had a good catch up and played with Noah.

- - - -

Noah, KB and I took a trip down to the beach. Noah was running in front of us as we walked. I had a slightly nervous feeling in my stomach that we would bump into Harrison. I mean I don't mind if we do it's just we obviously left our "relationship" on bad terms. Harrison deserves to meet his son but if he acts the way he did then no. We walked along the beachfront looking out across the beach as Noah played with the toy that he bought with him. Noah ran onto the sand crouching down just having fun. I let him play for a while before we went off for some lunch.

We went to this nice little cafe for lunch. "It was nice to catch up with you both and to have a day out with you both." KB said. "I've got to pop off but I'll see you both soon before I head back to New Zealand." She said. She gave Noah a quick kiss and hugging us both tight before she left. Shortly after Noah and I left the cafe and headed back home for the rest of the day. We both were walking back, Noah holding my hand and I saw Harrison. I wasn't sure how to react. "Y/n?" Harrison questioned. "Mummy whos that?" Noah asked pointing at Harrison. "It's no one baby. Come on Noah lets go." I said taking his hand. Noah wanted to be carried so I held him against my hip. "Y/n?" Harrison said. I couldn't face him but I had too. I turned around facing him. "Is that him?" He asked. "Yeah, why would you care?!" I mumbled. "He's my son too y/n!" Harrison said. I rolled my eyes. "You don't deserve to be his dad, Harrison, you left me!" I exclaimed. "Just let me get to know him." He asked. "I don't know anymore. We're pretty happy by ourselves thank you." I told him. "Right come on Noah lets get you home." I said as I walked away from Harrison. We got home and I began to cry. "Mummy are you ok?" Noah asked. I quickly wiped my eyes and got up. "Yeah, baby I'm ok." I said to him. Noah came over to me giving me a hug. The tears fell from my cheeks. God, I love this child so much.

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