Hoppo - its not going to work

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Your POV:
It's been a rough couple of months but I've got through it. I work as a lifeguard down at bondi and have for the past year. Before I started this job I knew head lifeguard Hoppo. We were good friends. Hoppo and I used to date. We dated for a good 4/5 months until it all went down hill. Work got in the way of our relationship we hardly saw one another and we had arguments. I just wish we saw one another more often when we dated. Hoppo is a great guy. I've always loved him and always will. The time we dated for was great.

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I was down in the rhino with Maxi. We've both been busy with rescues. "There's someone in the rip." I said grabbing my board heading out to rescue the person. As I reached them, I helped them onto the board. I came back to shore with the person I just rescued. Maxi was still in the rhino. "Y/n Hoppo wants to see you." He told me. We both got in the rhino and headed up to the tower. "Y/n can you come to my office please?" Hoppo asked when I walked into the office.

We walked into his office. We both took a seat and sat in silence for a while. "So umm what did you want to talk about?" I asked. "Us?" He said. "Ok?" I replied. "The reason why we broke up was because it just didn't work out. With work and our personal life it was a lot to juggle. The thing is I never stopped loving you. I will always love you y/n." He explained. I nodded my head. "I agree but at least we didn't end it on bad terms." I said. "Exactly! Now you carry on with your day and maybe after we can go for a drink... as friends. Hoppo smiled. I nodded my head and carried on with my day.

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