Luke Faddy - 1 month

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Requested by @ilysmjdarezzo

Your POV:
Luke took my hand leading me outside to our front porch pulling me into his chest. "I'll be back soon baby ok." He said gently pulling my chin up with his finger. "I know. I just wish you were staying here." I said with a little pout. Luke smile. "I love you y/n." He said before kissing my lips. "I love you too Luke." I said before kissing him again one last time. He held my hand as he walked towards the car leaving me on the porch. "I love you." He said one last time before shutting his car door and blowing me a kiss then soon driving off. I stayed outside until I couldn't see him anymore. Luke went out of town for a while as he had something to deal with and I wasn't sure when he was going to be back. It could be days, weeks or months that he could be gone which is a shame as I won't get to wake up to the guy I love the most.

- - - -

A week went by and Luke wasn't coming home anytime soon. We've been texting, calling and on FaceTime to one another. My phone began ringing and I ran to it answering it quickly.


Hey baby.
Hey Luke.
How's everything going?
The usual. Quite and not the same.
Aww baby I'm sorry that I can't be there with you. I'll promise I'll make it up to you once I get back.
I just miss you so much.
I know and I miss you too.
Just hurry home.
I will. I love you. Don't forget that.
I love you too.
I've gotta run so I'll speak later.
Okie dokie. Text me.
Will do. Bye. I love you.
Love you too. Bye.

Luke blew me a kiss before ending the call. I miss him too much but we're making it work. Days went by which turned into weeks.

Luke's POV:
While I was out of town I got my family to help me pick out a beautiful ring for my beautiful girlfriend y/n. I've been planning this for a while now and when I get back it's going to be the perfect timing for it. Today I'm taking my family to a shop as I plan on getting her something. We walked into a ring shop and went searching for the right one. I found three that I thought she might like. This was a tough decision to make but I soon came to a decision picking out the perfect but right one for her. "I think I've found the one." I said pointing to it through the glass. "She's going to love that." Mum said making me smile. I can't wait to see her again. She's my everything. I love her to bits.

- - - -

Your POV:
Today marks a month without Luke and he says he's going to be home soon but he's not sure when. It was best if I went out the house and took a walk. I got a text from Harrison:

Hey can you meet me down at the beach at about 2??

Yeah sure! Any in particular reason??

Can't I hang out with my bestie?!

Fine by me! Just curious. I'll see you later.

See ya soon 🤙🏼

2:00pm came around quickly so I walked down to the beach as Harrison asked me to meet him there. Harrison and I took a stroll across the pavilion as he wanted to spend sometime with his best friend. He was acting a little different from normal. We came to a stop so I was standing in front of Harrison facing him. "Turn around!" Harrison said with a big smile. I turned around seeing Luke standing there. He's back. "Ahhh!" I screamed running up to him wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. "Baby." I said nearly sobbing. "God I've missed you baby girl." Luke said kissing my lips before placing me down. "I have something for you." He said getting down on one knee pulling out a small red velvet box. "I've know for a while now and I thought now was the best chance for me to ask you. Ever since I met you I fell deeply in love with you and I still do every single day. You mean everything to me y/n and I can't imagine my life without you. So will you make me the happiest man and marry me?" Luke asked opening the small box showing the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. "Yes Luke. I'll marry you!" I exclaimed. Luke put the ring on my finger kissing my hand after. I'm going to be marrying the man of my dreams. I love you Luke!

A/n: thank you for requesting! Feel free to request again! Hope you liked this.


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