Max Ayshford - Its my fault

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Requested by erinewings

⚠️ - sensitive subject. If you ever need anyone to talk to message me! I'm always here to listen and help so please don't feel alone!

Erin's POV:
Today is my first day as a new lifeguard. Not a trainee an actual lifeguard. I'm super excited to see what today brings me.

- - - -

It was just after lunch on my shift and I got a call on the radio. So far my day is going great it's something that I really love doing and I'm thankful Hoppo decided for me to be a full time lifeguard after me being a trainee for a while. Anyways back to this radio call.

*hoppo to bondi central*

*come in hoppo*

*we have a girl located on the rocks and I'm a bit worried about her so I think Erin should go speak to her*

*ok I'm on my way. Thanks hoppo*

I clipped my radio to the side of my shorts and made my way out of the tower over to the rocks. As I got closer I saw the girl standing there. "Hey are you ok?" I called up to her. No reply. So I decided to get up there with her and talk to her. She was really distressed and it reminded me of my best friend who I sadly lost a few years ago. Before I sat on the rocks near her I quickly radioed in.

*Erin to central... can I have someone come over to the rocks to just watch over please*

*i'll send Jackson down for you*

*thank you*

I placed my radio back and took a seat on the rocks. She looked over at me. "I'm Erin." I said to her with a smile. I still got no response. I sighed and began to speak up. "I know what you're thinking and I just want you to rethink the decision you'll make." I said looking out across the rocks. "What's your name?" I asked waiting for her to talk so I could slowly get her to speak to me. "Harper." She mumbled which I managed to hear. "That's a really nice name." I said hoping to make her smile but unfortunately it didn't. I tried talking to her some more but she didn't want to speak that much. Only one word answers. "I'm going to jump." I heard her cry. My head snapped in her direction immediately laying eyes on her. A flashback came before my eyes.


I received a voicemail from my best friend. "I'm going to jump." Is all I got and that was it. My heart stopped.

*End of flashback*

By this time, Jackson was standing there watching me try to convince this girl not to jump. "Please don't jump." I asked her. "I can't do this anymore." She cried. "What can't you do?" I asked nicely. "Life. It's too much." She said. I moved a little closer to her. "Don't come near me as I will jump." She pleaded. I stayed where I was. "You have so much ahead of you." I told her. "I don't. Trust me." She cried. I couldn't take it anymore. I moved closer to her catching her attention. "I can't." She whispered before she took one step off of the rocks jumping out into the ocean. I looked down at Jackson with my hand placed to my mouth. I wanted to go after her but it wouldn't end well. We just lost a life. I can't process it.

Jackson's POV:
The girl jumped. I wasn't expecting it. I felt everything. Erin didn't look so good. She did all she could to save that girl.

*jackson to bondi central*

*come in jackson*

*the girl that was on the rocks, unfortunately, Erin did all she could to save her but the girl has jumped*

*not good at all. Make sure Erin is ok when she comes back to you and police are on their way*

*can max come down here too*

*he's on his way down*

Erin's POV:
I made my way off of the rocks shaking a little. Jackson walked over to me as I made my way over to him. Tears flooded my eyes. "It's my fault she jumped." I cried shaking. "Hey Erin. No it's not. You did everything you could to save her." Jackson said looking at me. He pulled me into his arms letting me cry out. We pulled away and I looked I've this shoulder to see Max coming over. Tears took over my eyes also falling down my cheek again. I looked down at my hand but they were blurt due to the tears in my eyes but I knew they were shaking. I felt arms wrap around me holding me close and tight. "And it wasn't enough." I mumbled. It was all too much. I fell to the ground crying my eyes out. Max came down with me as he held me in his arms.

*we need more lifeguards down here*

I heard Jackson say. I looked up at him with 'help me' eyes. He looked down at me with sad eyes. Jackson got down to his knees resting his hand on my shoulder with the radio in his other hand. "Erin?" I heard Singlets say as I looked up. Maxi, Mouse and Harries arrived with him crouching down in front of me. "The police are here to take your statement. Take as long as you need." Maxi said as the police turned up behind him. I took a breath. "I'm ready." I said looking at him. "Are you sure?" Mouse said. I nodded my head. I got up and walked to the cops that were standing there. I gave them my statement also answering any questions that needed to be answered. Soon I walked back to Max where he was sat with the other lifeguards. I took a seat on his lap and began to get flashbacks of what just happened and what my best friend went through. I could see how they knew how bad I took this.

This flashback lasted awhile. "Erin?" Harries said snapping me out of the flashback. "Flashback." I said as they all looked at me slightly confused. Max knew what I meant. "My best friend died that way too." I sobbed. Max looked at Jackson and he soon removed his arm from my shoulder. "Are you sure you want to tell them?" Max asked me. "I need too." I said as he nodded his head letting me speak. "She was going through a tough stage in life and wanted help. I was here to help her but I think she found it hard to reach for help. I should've answered her calls when she called me. I should've been a better friend to her as she would still be here today." I explained as the tears started again. "You were a great best friend to her Erin and she's now in a better place looking over you and making sure you're doing ok. With the girl you tried to save, she's also in a better place. She may not have been happy with her life but she's going to be happy now. You did all you could and that's all she needed." Max explained. I rested my head on his chest listening to his heart beat making me relax. He kissed the top of my head a few times reassuring me that everything was going to be ok. I believed him.

- - - -

We all made our way back up to the tower after spending quite sometime down on the sand. Everyone was understanding and so helpful I couldn't of done it without them. Hoppo was standing there waiting for us all. I walked in as Hoppo began to speak to me. "You have us to talk too. If you ever need anyone give us a call as we're always here to listen no matter what." Hoppo said to me with a small smile. I nodded my head leaving the beach for today. I planned on returning tomorrow to distract my mind even though it happened on the beach that I rescue from.

A/n: thank you for requesting! Feel free to request again. Just to remind you that if you need anyone to talk to I'm always here if you need to let your emotions out.

-Vicki 💜

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