Whippet - Paralysed

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Requested by @emxly0912

Emily's POV:
Whippet and I recently got married. We're so in love with one another. The two of us also work well together. We both were in the rhino when we got the call for a rescue. Whippet let me have this rescue as it was a simple one, or so we thought. I got the patient on the board and ready to bring them back to shore but just as I was about to paddle back I felt a sharp pain in my back. I fall back seeing that I got hit with someone's board. They swam off with the board not checking to see if I was ok. I laid there motionless.

Whippet's POV:
I was sat in the rhino as Emily went out to do the rescue. Before I knew it she fell back and didn't get back up. I stood up quickly to see Emily floating lifelessly in the water and seeing the surfer swim off.

*Whippet to central... we have a suspected spinal and its Emily*

I chucked down the radio, pulling my top off and grabbing the board sprinting to the water to get to Emily in time. I got to her and she wasn't moving but she was conscious.

Emily's POV:
I couldn't feel my legs. "Shit!" I muttered under my breath. I felt someone's hands come in contact with my head holding it steadily. "It's going to be ok baby. I'm here. Jackson, Singlets, Deano and Harries are here to help too." Whippet said. "I can't feel my legs." I told him look up at his eyes. I could tell he was scared but he didn't want to show it. "You're going to be ok baby girl." He whispered to me. I trust him and believe him. "Ok, we're going to gently place Emily on this board and slowly but carefully bring her back in." Singlets said as he was by one side of my body. Harries was on the other side so I assume Jackson was by my feet. "On three we're going to move her, 1...2...3." Whippet said looking down at me. I kept my eyes on him as they moved me onto the board. They all worked as a team to get me back on the sand bringing me up the beach. "How you feeling?" Harries asked. "Besides not being able to feel my legs, I'm good. Got a slight headache and in a little bit of pain." I said telling them. "Ok so were going to place this collar on you so it'll keep your neck from moving." Singlets explained. They put the collar on me and it was uncomfortable let's just say. Soon the ambo arrived, they mobilised me before putting me in the ambulance. Whippet arrived at the hospital so he could be with me throughout all of this. The doctors and nurses did checks and I still couldn't feel my legs. This was only the start of what changed my life. Two weeks later I was able to go home but there was a lot of physiotherapy in the road to recovery.

- - - -

The doctors told me that I may not be able to walk again. That means my career is potentially over. My physiotherapist was really nice. Her name is Charlie. In today's session, we were going to try walking up some stairs. The stairs went smoothly until I had to do them more than twice. "Ow ow." I said in pain. "I can't its too much." I said sitting on the chair that Whippet pulled behind me. "Hey baby, you can. Listen to me, you've got this and you can do it. It'll take many attempts but I'm not going anywhere." Whippet said to me while holding my hands. The physiotherapist got me to hold onto Whippets hands again as we tried once more. Charlie stood by my side as I began to walk. She directed Whippet and I for what we needed to do. Soon the session was over. I got back into my wheelchair. "You've made some really big improvements. I think in about 2 months you should be able to walk and then after that, we'll continue these physiotherapy sessions to build up the strength more. Does that sound good to you?" Charlie explained. "Sounds perfect." I said with a big smile. Whippet and I thanked Charlie as he wheeled me out and soon we went home.

- - - -

It's my first day back from being off for nearly a year. I'm glad that I'm up and walking again. I'm super grateful and thankful for the doctors and nurses that helped me through these months. Whippet and I made our way to work. "I'm so proud of you babe. You've come so far and have shocked us all." He said pressing a kiss to my lips. "Thank you for being there through every step of the way." I said making him smile. We got to the blue door of the tower and stopped. "You ready?" Whippet asked. I nodded my head. "Yep. Let's do this!" I said as the two of us entered the tower. We walked into view of the others as they noticed us. "Hey, Emily so good to see you!" Deano exclaimed pulling me in for a hug. Oh, how I've missed this place. "It's really good to be back!" I said with a big smile. "I've missed this," I said grabbing my radio placing it on my hip. "Good to have you back Emily." I heard Hoppo said making me turn around to face him. "Thank you." I said as he gave me a hug. "Right let's get to work!" I said making everyone laugh. It was a busy day and there was a lot that got done but thank you to all of the guys in the tower that helped me through the day.

A/n: hope you liked this! Thank you for requesting.


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