Joel - Hook up - Pt.2

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Your POV:
Joel has definitely stepped up as a father. I do feel bad for not letting him be apart of her life from the beginning but I didn't like the way he was when I told him. That's in the past now. It's been about 2 months now and Riley is now 8 months. She's moving around a lot. The thing is since Joel has been spending a lot of time with us both and gotten to know Riley more our friendship/relationship has not only grown stronger but we've bonded a lot more and I mean a lot more. We've had moments where we've nearly kiss but before we do pull away. I don't know what going on between us but one day it may change into something better, who knows?

It was a nice sunny day and Joel decided well suggested to take Riley down to the beach before his shift. Joel was carrying Rily as we walked down to the water's edge. He crouched down a bit holding Riley above the water as it travelled through her feet. She was pulling a face and I couldn't quite tell if she was enjoying it. I made sure I got some photos of the two of them. Joel had also bought his board down (even though he's not meant too). He placed in in the water placing Riley on top. She was smiling and giggling a lot. Also clapping her hands once in a while. It was a perfect bonding for our family.

Joel' POV:
Y/n and Riley stayed at the beach for a few hours of the day occasionally coming up or over to see him. I've bonded a lot with the two of them. Mine and Y/n's relationship has grown. We aren't officially dating tough. We just have a beautiful daughter together. Well after these past few months of getting to know Riley more and build mine and y/n's friendship back up I've begun to feel different about y/n. In a good way. Just seeing her be a good mum to Riley makes me smile and my heart beat fast. She's incredible. I've learnt my lesson. But in all honesty, I'm starting to like her more than a friend.

- - - -

The sun began to set and my shift had ended. I walked out of the tower to a surprise. "What are you doing here?!" I exclaim in a good tone. Y/n came down here with Riley. "She wanted her daddy. Didn't you baby girl?" Y/n said making Riley smile and clap her hands. "Aww, baby." I said taking her from y/n's arms. Riley snuggled close to Joel's chest as he held her. We all walked home (well to y/n's place). As we got in I noticed y/n was in the middle of cooking food. "You didn't have to come down." I told her. "Well, your daughter just kept on saying dada so I thought it would be nice to meet you after work and walk home together." She explained. "Well, it was very sweet of you to do so." I said giving her a hug bare in mind I was still carrying Riley. Y/n went off to finish cooking and soon returned with some food for us all. I decided to feed Riley which went down well even though she got most of it down herself. Once we finished eating y/n spoke up. "I think its bath time missy." She said going off to bath her. I was left to do the dishes which I did. About 30 minutes later, the two of them arrived. "There are my two princesses!" I said making y/n blush. While Riley was getting bathed i made up a bottle for her. Y/n fed her the bottle and soon enough she began to fall asleep. "Here you take her." She said giving me Riley. I smiled and began to rock Riley ever so slightly. I kissed the top of her head as she shut her eyes. I stayed like this for a bit before getting up and taking Riley to her bed.

Your POV:
Joel decided to put Riley to bed instead of me. The thing is Joel doesn't leave the house until Riley has been asleep for a good few hours then he goes back to his place. He took a seat next to me on the sofa placing an arm around my shoulder. "Thank you for today. It was great fun for the 3 of us to hang out together as a family again." I told him as he smiled. "It's ok. I love her a lot and I'm glad I'm back in her life again." He said looking at me. I smile. "I'm glad you are too." I replied. We looked at one another for a few seconds before Joel started to lean in then placed his lips on mine kissing them slowly. I kissed back (of course!) as we shared this moment together. The kiss got heated quickly, Joel stood up, lifting me up making me wrap my legs around his waist. He walked us both to the bedroom and let's just say Joel never left my house that night... you can probably guess what happened next.

A/n: what did you think? Personally I loved it! But now there's an alternative ending as well... (as in another potential side to the ending instead of this one) which will be posted tomorrow!

Shall I write a part 3 to this ending??

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