Hoppo - Cute surprise

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Requested by @suggpug15

Hoppo's POV:
It's my beautiful girlfriend, Aimee's birthday today and I have some bit and bobs to give her. She's my world and I love her so much. Aimee began to slowly wake up as I turned to face her. Her eyes slowly opened. "Morning beautiful." I said kissing the top of her head. "Morning." She mumbled back. "Happy birthday." I said making her smile. "Why thank you." She said with a smirk kissing my cheek. "You stay here and I'll get everything ready for you." I told her heading down to the kitchen. I made her favourite breakfast which is pancakes with raspberries and blueberries and some syrup drizzled over. (a/n: you can change the food if you like as that's what came to my mind 🤣). I also made her a smoothie which she likes. Also I got her card and a small present and placed them onto the tray that I planed on using to carry all the food. I added some flowers in a small vase as well and about 30 minutes later I made my way back to the bedroom. Aimee was sat up on her phone when she noticed me as she smiled and placed her phone onto the bedside table.

Aimee's POV:
Hoppo walked in with a tray with some goods on it. "For my lady." Hoppo said placing the tray on my lap kissing the top of my head. "Aww Hoppo you didn't have to." I told him wanting to tear up a bit. He took a seat next to me. "Thank you for this." I said after eating my food. "Anything for the birthday girl." He said smiling. I love him. There also was a card and a small box which was wrapped up so nicely making me smile. I took the card from under the box and opened it. The card was so beautiful it had flowers and some presents and balloons on. So sweet. I opened it and began to read what was inside.

To my wonderful girlfriend Aimee,

Happy Birthday baby! I love you so much. This is only part of the surprise for today. I hope you have a good day event though you'll be with me aha anyways have the best day and spend it wisely. Make memories and have a brilliant day.

Lots of love,

Hoppo xxxxxxx

That was so sweet of him. "Thank you babe." I said leaning over hugging him and gently kissing him. Now it was for the small box. I opened it carefully and took the lid off revealing the most beautiful necklace. It was a small butterfly but was shiny. Oh my I loved it. "Ah I love it." I said smiling like crazy. "Here let me put it on you." Hoppo said taking it from me. I moved my hair out of the way and he put it on me. "Thank you for this baby." I said once again. "You're welcome." He said kissing my cheek. "I think you missed." I said smiling. He chuckled and kissed me lips gently.

- - - -

It's later in the day around evening time. Hoppo was taking me out somewhere and he wouldn't tell me where. I dressed up and so did Hoppo as he told me too. We made our way out to the car and took our seats. Hoppo was driving of course. "So before we leave I need you to put this on." Hoppo told me handing me a blindfold. I gave him a puzzling look. "Why?" I asked holding the blindfold. "Trust me. You won't regret it." He said smiling. "Ok then." I said placing it over my eyes. The car started and we drove for what felt like ages but we soon came to a stop. "Right wait there's I'm coming round to get you." Hoppo said making me laugh. "Well of course I won't move. I can't see." I said laughing. The door opened and I felt Hoppo grab my hands. "I've got you." He said helping me out of the car. He shut the door and slowly guided me to where ever he was taking me. I felt the slight breeze against my arms then I heard a door open. So many thoughts were going through my mind thinking what this could be.

There was silence. It felt odd. We came to a stop which confused me a bit. "Surprise!" Everyone shouted as the blindfold was taken off of my face. "Ahhh omg!" I said placing my hands over my mouth. "Happy birthday Aimee!" Hoppo said hugging me. Everyone was there. My family, my friends and most importantly all the lifeguards as I've bonded with them over the years. We all partied and had a lot of fun. "Thank you for tonight." I said to Hoppo as we danced together. "Anything for you baby." He said kissing my forehead. I am so lucky to have a guy like Hoppo in my life.

A/n: hope you like this!

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