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"Listen, and listen well. You are terrible at everything, you are nothing but a useless piece of trash. Repeat it." A strict feminine voice said firmly.

"I am terrible at everything, I am nothing but a useless piece of trash," A young childish voice said.

"You are a worthless child that deserves nothing, you are greedy and selfish. You take advantage of your caretaker who loves you. "The strict voice said before a smack was heard soon after. "Repeat it!"

"I am a worthless child that deserves nothing, I am greedy and selfish. I take advantage of my caretaker who loves me." The child's voice said with a hint of pain

"Good. Now, throw that trash you call art in the fire and go to the closet. You need to be punished." The firm voice said.

The child nods his one piece of stubborn hair drooping even lower and he walked away. Blue eyes look over a drawing of a sunflower. It looked so alive and beautiful. The child felt tears come to his eyes as he put the drawing into the fire and watched it burn. The blue dulled as they watched the flower crumble and turn to ashes.

He then walked to the closet and sat staring at the wall. He didn't even notice when the lock clicked. He didn't care that he would be spending another week staring at the same wall. He was useless so, why would he need to care about such things?

He ignored the comforting blanket of different voices and thoughts. The blanket that was his land. He severed the connection and the silence was deafening. He continued to stare at the wall, his eyes turning a shade lighter.


The International School of the World Congress stood proudly in the middle of its campus. The flags from every country breezing in the wind, vaguely reminding Alfred of a place in NYC. He picked up his bags and walked into the building. Others were walking in with him, each one excited and some have already banded together. That was good for them, he had no interest in making friends. Actually, he had no interest in anything. He got in line with the others and made it to the front. He saw a man that looked more like a boy with shorter black hair and soft brown eyes and Alfred distinctly recognized him as Japanese.

"Konichiwa, My name is Honda Kiku, or as you Americans prefer Kiku Honda. I represent Japan in the World Congress. I am also the records keeper of sorts and Information Technology teacher. What is your name?" The man no boy said quickly. Alfred just looked at him with dull blue eyes that looked more grey than blue. It was hard to believe they were once a beautiful shade that rivaled the beauty of the sky. 

"Alfred F. Jones" His voice was chilling and had no emotion at all. Kiku looked at him slightly shocked. The other Americans he had met were usually very excited or very nervous. Kiku snaps out of it and grabs the schedule from the pile. He hands it to the American who nods slightly in thanks and leaves. Kiku swore he heard an emotionless "Arigato" before the American disappeared. Kiku shook it off and looked back at the next American before giving a similar greeting line.


Alfred placed his bag down and systematically unpacked. He placed his laptop on the provided desk and plugged it into the wall. He then unpacked his clothes into the provided drawers and closet. Once he was done he looked at the schedule given to him by the Japanese man.

Student Name: Jones, Alfred F                                                                                                   Schedule type: AB

Age: 19

Welcome to The International School of the World Congress. We are happy to have you attending our prestigious school. You are one of a hundred candidates that show the qualities of representing The United States of America in the World Congress. Here is your schedule for the first semester.

A day:

8:00- 9:00: Physical Education with Mr.Beilschmidt

9:03- 10:03: History with Ms.Héderváry

10:06-11:06:Russian with Mr.Braginsky

12:09-1:09: Lunch.

1:12- 2:12: Spanish with Mr.Carriedo

2:15- 3:15: Math with Mr. Zwingli

B day:

8:00- 9:00: Cooking with Mr. Vargas

9:03- 10:03: Information Technology with Mr. Honda

10:06-11:06: Art with Mr. Vargas.

12:09-1:09: Lunch.

1:12- 2:12: English with Mr.WIlliams

2:15- 3:15: French with Mr.Bonnefoy

Alfred set the paper down already having it memorized because of his good memory. He then set an alarm on his phone to tell him to get ready for school. He then opens his laptop and boots it up. He clicks around logging into the school email and such. He then proceeds to hack the database and change his file. He didn't really care if they got suspicious of him but he would prefer if he could get through this inconvenience and go back to his life of hacking privately all over the states. He quite liked Alaska and Hawaii, though Colorado and Michigan were also great. He didn't really stay in New York often. Not since a while ago. The world changed a lot from when he was a child. He didn't care to notice how he aged much slowly or how the land affected him. 

The intercom crackled to life and Alfred looked at it snapped out of his daze. 

"All students please go to the theatre for a welcoming meeting, aru" A distinctly Chinese voice said before the mic was shut off. Alfred stood and briefly fixed his clothes before leaving and joining the crowd of students going to the Theatre that they all knew where was for some reason. 

Alfred entered the room to see the large theatre barely filled with the hundred students and the even smaller group of teachers. Alfred sat in the back more and watched as the last few trickled into the room. Then, a man with bizarrely large eyebrows went up to the mic. He was wearing a fancy suit that could only be more British with a monocle. He had green eyes that looked at the crowd of people from all over America.

A/N- Boom, the Prologue. Next chapter, the welcoming meeting and more of Alfred's past. Also, what is editing?

Au revoir!

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