chapter nine

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The next morning I am brutally awaken by loud voices and harsh grips. I open my eyes to see two awfully familiar guards and I immediately know something bad is going to happen. They were sent here by Agememnon.

"Put clothes on and get up!" One of them demands.

I look down at myself and my eyes widen upon realizing that I am naked. Images of last night flood my mind but I don't have the time to think about any of it because two perverted soldiers are leaning above me. I pull the blankets up to cover myself and glare at them.

"Get out, assholes! I'm not getting changed with you lurking." I tell them and they sarcastically chuckle.

"Don't flatter yourself, princess. We wouldn't look anyway," The ugliest of the two says as they both turn the other way.

I get off of bed and quickly pull up my dress - which is ripped and dirty from all the stuff I've been through these past few days. I should ask new clothes from Achilles later.

"Alright, now what? There's no way I'm coming with you, if that's what you came here for." I cross my hands in front of my chest determined. I am not following them. And where is Achilles anyway? Why is he absent every single morning?

"We're not giving you a choice, princess. King's strict orders."

I scoff. "Right.. but I don't follow what that piece of shit says. I'm with Achilles now." I confidentially say, ready to fight.

"Oh wow, didn't know princesses could have such a dirty mouth. Can't wait for the King to hear this," One of them says and suddenly, they've both attacked me and captured my hands. Tying me up, they drag me with them outside the tent.

"Let me down! Help!" I scream, squirming in their arms. I look around the camp but there's no one around. Not even one Myrmidon. Where the heck is Achilles?!

I eventually get tired of screaming and I just let them drag me across the whole military camp, until we reach the all too familiar tent.

"Good morning, princess. Are you ready to see your dear brother?" King Menelaus says to me as he disgustingly smiles.

I freeze and look up at him in pure surprise and confusion. "See my brother?"

"Oh, didn't our men inform you? We're paying a visit to your dear brother. He wants proof that you are alive."

We're going out to the battlefield? I'm seeing Hector? My stomach twists at the thought of seeing his face again; the face that's always managed to calm me, inspire me, help me, teach me. A smile is slowly formed in my lips. Hector is alive and I am meeting him.

"I wouldn't be so happy if I were you, princess." King Agamemnon emerges from his tent, holding a.. lash in his hands. What is the lash for?

"Is the army ready? I want them to be prepared for everything." Agamemnon strictly spits and the two guards who brought me nod their heads obediently.

"Hey Menelaus. Take care of her while I'm having a word with my men." Agamemnon knowingly addresses his brother, who takes the lash from him and evilly smirks.

"Take your time, brother."

Once they're gone, Menelaus turns to me and threateningly approaches me. He pulls the strings of my dress down and disgustingly runs his rough hands over my bare collarbones. I shiver in fear and glare up at him.

"Get your filthy hands off of me, you perverted old man."

He chuckles at my words but quickly turns serious, as he raises the lash and loudly whips my collarbones. I let out a high pitched scream and slowly look down to see the area above my chest bleeding heavily. The stinging pain travels through my whole body like current, but another intense whip interrupts it and makes it start all over again.

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