chapter sixteen

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I am heartbroken.

My body is unmoving and face completely emotionless as I take in the sight in front of me.

Troy is celebrating.

There's loud music playing all over the city and everyone is happily drinking, dancing and singing at the top of their lungs. They've formed a circle around the wooden horse and are having the time of their lives.

They act as if the protector of their city did not pass away just days ago. As if I'm not heavily injured and as if countless of men did not lose their lives to protect them. They seem to have forgotten already.

I shake my head in disappointment. Even Father is celebrating with them. He tries to forget all about Hector and wants me to do the same.

Time goes by quickly and everyone's now fallen asleep, utterly exhausted. Their alcohol-smelling bodies are sprawled all across the city, the one on top of the other.

I mindlessly wander on my own through Troy, trying not to trip over all these bodies. The music has finally stopped so I take some moments to appreciate the quietness and fresh air.


I turn around startled and meet Helen. "Helen? Why are you awake at this time?" I ask her.

"I could ask you the same," She replies as we start walking side by side towards Apollo's temple.

"I can't sleep," I simply answer. She gives me the I know it's not just that look so I sigh and voice my honest thoughts. I know I can trust Helen.

"I just can't understand, okay? I can't understand how everyone's acting so ignorant. Their prince and best warrior was killed not even a week ago. We were still at war just yesterday! Yet here they all were, partying like maniacs just minutes ago. They're pretending all these never happened." I angrily snap.

Helen sighs and places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Hey, relax. Everything's over now."

"Is it, Helen?" I question as I turn to intensely stare into her eyes. "Is it really over? We're both perfectly aware of the fact that Menelaus wouldn't give up so easily, especially since I killed his beloved brother."

I finally avery my gaze from her and look over at the walls of my city from afar. My eyes land on that wooden horse and I frown at its appearance.

"Something is just too off with this horse. It's gonna be Troy's disaster, Helen.."

Helen doesn't say anything and I open my mouth to speak again but I freeze before I get any words out. I squint my eyes to get a better glimpse of that small red thing in the distance which I just spotted.

Is it fire?

Someone's light up a small flame and is waving it towards the sea. I immediately snap my head to the sea's direction and gulp as I spot many ships sailing our way.

Terrified, I turn to look at Helen next to me. I try to speak to her but no words come out. I'm shocked. My body and mind have grown numb.

Suddenly, loud screams are heard. More fires erupt.

"Amelia!" Helen shakes my shoulders to snap me out of my trance. I blink and look up at her, eyes widen in fear.

"Find Paris and Andromache and go! Quickly!" I yell at her.

"What about you?" Her forehead has creased in concern as she slowly backs off towards the palace.

"I must find Father. Go, Helen, I'll follow closely behind. I know the way. Go!" I push her to run and, after giving me a fearful look, she does.

Why him?/Achilles Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu