Chapter 4: Sexual Orientation

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I went home feeling really empty. It's the same feeling again when I was rejected by my childhood friend.

I don't have any idea how my attraction towards my friend started. Maybe when I was in high school and confirmed that I am really gay- that I was not attracted to any of the girls.

While my schoolmates were busy flirting with the girls, there I was, either reading a book or fidgeting with my phone. Nothing really special happened when I was in high school- not that it matters to me now.

Sunday came fast and I spent the whole day sketching. It's been a hobby of mine to sketch random stuff- maybe I got it from my mom. She's good at designing so as my father who is an engineer and an architect.

My parents were all very accomplished that's why I can never go wrong with my decisions in life- especially when it comes to academics. I had to excel. I had to prove that I was worthy because not just their eyes were on me but also the whole clan supervises and compares their children to me.

My father came from an old-rich family in America. His ancestors established one of the largest construction company in the United States and now that he's handling it, he placed offices in Thailand and Japan for expansion.

On the other hand, mom came from a wealthy family as well but not as well-known as my Dad. Mom's parents were known for their factory of garments and Mom being the selfless woman that she is, gave way to her younger brother to handle the company while she makes her own name in the industry.

Nonetheless, it turned out really well for both parties.

I was in the middle of thinking when my phone rang. It displayed an unknown number so I picked it up and said hello.

"Hey Win, Bright here. You're coming later right?" he asked and I heard loud noises in the background.

I sighed and tried to smile. Of course I should come with him. There's nothing wrong in his invitation, he meant well.

"Yeah sure." I bluntly said and he laughed.

"Good. Pick you up at six?"

"Alright." I replied and bit my lower lip to stop my thoughts again from thinking anything that can disappoint me. "See you then. Bye."

I hang up and decided to run around our backyard than to go out of the house. I don't really want to see him but it will be really weird for the both of us if one shows lost of interest right away.

We'll take this slow, Win.

I was ready to run when my phone suddenly rang. It displayed mom's name and I quickly answered the call.

"Yes Mom?"

"Hey honey, how's your day?" she asked. This is her first call since yesterday. I guess they've been really busy with work.

"Good mom. Planning to jog for an hour before getting ready."

"Oh... You have a date again?" she said, teasing me.

I quickly shook my head and offered a weak smile. "Not a date Mom. Just grabbing a few drinks with Bright."

"Bright?" she asked and I saw her forehead creased in confusion. "Is he your new friend from school?"

"Yeah. He asked me yesterday if I want to grab some drinks with him and his friends. I got nothing else to do so I said yes."

"Hmm... Just don't drink too much. You know your limits."

"Yes mom, I know. Besides, it's a monday tomorrow. Bright probably has a photoshoot for one of the magazines again."

"Wait... Bright... You mean Bright Chivaaree?" she excitedly asked and I wasn't even surprised she knows Bright. They're in the same field.

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