Chapter 37: Déjà Vu

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It's been a few weeks since I started to work as his manager. Everyday, he's showing me a lot of his bad sides like he's being too picky and particular in every meal he has to eat; he doesn't like the perfume that I wore last two weeks ago and just yesterday, he told me he doesn't want to talk to anyone- not even me.

I gave in to everything he wants because I know what he experienced while he was watching me all these years and when he finally got the courage to talked to me but I gave him a hard time, is nothing compared to what I'm doing now; being his PR and road manager.

I also did my research after my first day about being a road manager and I just realized that day how stupid I am to agree to all these obligations. It's my responsibility as his road manager to make sure everything is according to plan including his ride, time in every appointment and even booking him a hotel if he wants to! Those are simple things that he can do but I don't understand why would anyone need a manager for those basic needs! It's not like he doesn't have a car and he can't book a hotel on his own?

I threw every ridiculous idea that I had in mind and tried to be productive in everything I do each passing day. It's been hard because I also have to handle his social media accounts and I even had to read every article that involves him every single day! I don't know if I'm really just doing this to get my boyfriend back or I'm doing this for a degree in being a professional stalker.

"Wait, you're where?" Luke asked as I called him one day when I finally decided that I can't be out of reach for that long.

"I'm in Thailand." I said once again as I sat on my bed.

I just finished getting ready and his appointments today are not that hectic compared to the other days. Bright only has two photo shoots for today and nothing else follows. I just hope he finishes everything early and all will go as planned so I can rest early.

"Wait, w-why are you there? You didn't even tell me. I was trying to talk to you for days Win..." I saw his sad eyes and I thought of talking to him with all seriousness soon. Maybe after this week.

I smiled bitterly as I looked at him.

Luke was hurt when I told him everything that I want that day. He was just offended by how easy I'm saying those words while he kept his feelings at bay the whole time. He didn't try to impose nor demand a single thing for me and I really understand where he's coming from. Though I don't romanticize attempted sexual assault but I just can't really hate my long time friend.

I've known him longer than Bright and I can really say that he's a good man. Besides, no one is a saint if they are hurt - a person's initial instinct is either to pull away from the things that hurt him or fight back just to at least salvage anything that is left in him.

"Luke I already told you that I want to get back with him but... things happened." I sadly smiled and heaved a sigh. "I know that things are rough between us and I can't really justify my decisions because I know that I have done you wrong."

"No Win, no... i-it was me who did you wrong-"

"We both know why you did that." I bit my lip and tried to cheer both of us up. "We will talk but not now, okay? I'm kind of busy." I giggled. "Please handle our business first? Send me an email if you need my opinion or you also want me to do approval of the pending-"

"No need Win." he said and smiled at me. "This is the least I can do to make things okay with us. What I did is really unforgivable but if you want to be just friends then I guess I can take that." he painfully smiled at me and I heard the ringing of the phone in his office. "I hope we can talk more about this later. I will take care of everything here... I wish you the best, Metawin."

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