Chapter 53: Father And Son

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Bright and I decided to tightened the security around us. We are also working with the police about my case and we can't control the media anymore when they released an article about the death threats I received and the attempted murder that was done to me. It's a miracle that I'm still alive but after I heard what Luna and Aziel talked about that night, my sentiments about this case changed.

Now I am not sure if Aziel is really the person behind this. The night we went home, Bright told me to rest while he talks to some people about the investigation and being the curious cat that I am, I searched for St. John's-wort and discovered that it is a plant that is used for curing depression and problems related to anxiety, sleeping disorder and even lost of appetite.

Judging from Luna's actions, she's very eager to get her hands on this plant and my mind started to wonder if ever she has depression or any of the disorders that this plant can cure. Well it is really not my concern but what concerns me is the fact that Aziel is distributing this kind of medical plant that is only available for medical purposes. I searched some more and compared research after research and found that it was not yet approved by many but it is believed to cure such conditions.

"It can be considered safe given that it will be taken orally in appropriate doses?" My forehead creased and thought deeply about what I just read. So how much is an appropriate dosage of this plant to work? Gosh I'm going crazy!

The following weeks were all a blur to us. Nothing happened much and so does the case that is under investigation. I can't even see a single ray of light in this darkness that we are all in. It is indeed risky to go out alone without knowing when and where the oppressor will attack.

The ringing of the phone pulled me out of my deep thoughts and turned to Bright as he answered the call.

I took a deep breath before going through the samples of my new collection. We are releasing our new collection for men's underwear and Bright being the generous boyfriend that he is, decided to endorse and be the model of these... underwear. Though I am not quite sure if that's a good idea because I know people will see his bulge and I don't even know if I can accept that.

It's my first time to handle this kind of stuff for my company because in the three years that I've been in the business, I only worked with women and it's easier for me to choose who will wear what without worrying about people's opinions about the models because this is the nature of my business - but now that it came to this... I don't know if I should regret releasing another collection for the men section.

"Dad if you are inviting me for another night of your redundant speech then my answer is no... Dad I'm taking care a lot of things and my plate is full. I don't have the energy to be on another drama with the family... Dad I will not change my decision..." Bright sarcastically smirked and leaned on the couch that he's sitting. "Dad, I am not a kid anymore that you can order around. I have my life and I will say this again for the nth time; I will not marry anyone other than Metawin, I am gay and I will never want to do anything with your company."

I looked at Bright and my forehead creased at how he talks to his father.

"Dad I don't care about your mistress' opinion... She's not my mother, mom is dead for many years." his jaw clenched and breathed heavily. I know that he's only holding the call because he still has respect for his father. "I have to go, I have things to do." he said with finality before ending the call.

He tossed his phone on the couch as he covered his face with his hands. I know that he's frustrated once again and I witnessed this scenario over and over again for the past months that we're together. He's very cool when talking with his father but after that, I can really tell that he is frustrated.

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