Chapter 50: Slay

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On my first month, I didn't feel any symptoms nor side effects while taking medications. I'm glad my body is compatible with the medicines that was prescribed to me. I never once skipped nor forgotten to take my medicines because I have every drive to fight this disease. I still have a lot of dreams and goals to achieve. I still want to stay with my parents longer and of course, Bright.

I also went back to work that same month while Bright got busy doing his last projects so he can be with me while I undergo medications.

That same week when I was diagnosed with HIV, I immediately informed Luke about it. We've been together for three years and there is a big possibility that he caught it but I wished he didn't.

"Win are you serious right now?" Luke asked when I broke the news to him.

I sadly nodded and gave him a timid smile.

"I was diagnosed a few days ago Luke. I'm sorry but please have yourself checked. Given our past, there is a big possibility that you caught the virus but I just hope you didn't."

I saw how nervous he is when he agreed to me.

"Thank you for trusting me with this sensitive information Win." he gave me a weak smile and I heard a knock in his door. "I'll call you tomorrow when I get the results in the afternoon."

I let him be and agreed with what he said. The following day, he called me and told me that he's negative with the virus.

It's fascinating because finally, I got to protect the people that matters to me. It's enough that I'm the only one who has this disease and not them. I don't know what to do if one of them caught this thing inside me.

Luke has been a very responsible and safe partner through our three years arrangement. He never once insisted to try it without protection and I'm thankful for that.

I heaved a sigh as I pulled myself out of reverie and checked on my calendar as I buttoned up my shirt. It's my second month now and I noticed how I'm getting constant headaches for three consecutive days now. I must consult the doctor about this tomorrow once I'm done with work.

Once I'm done preparing myself to work, I grabbed my car keys, phone, medicine bag and wallet before getting out of my room.

I went downstairs to eat my breakfast when I saw my parents in the dining area with Bright wearing his oversized shirt partnered with jeans. I saw my parents wearing their usual clothes when going out and I remembered that today will be their flight back to states.

"What time is your flight mom?" I asked.

I don't even know about the details of their flight anymore. I've been too busy lately catching up with work I left behind.

"Eleven o'clock honey. We still have time. Come and eat your breakfast. Bright is also here to fetch you." she smiled at me and pat the chair beside her.

I sat there and Bright immediately looked at me.

"How's your sleep?" he asked.

"I had enough sleep. The medicines make me very sleepy." I said in a flat tone and got myself a salad in front of me.

"I took a leave for a few months Win." Bright said and I heaved a sigh.

I know I can't pursue him to keep on doing the things he want but I also can't ignore the fact that he's concerned about me. If this is his way to be at ease then I will let him be.

I nodded and smiled at him.

"So you really plan on sticking with me the whole day huh?" I taunted and he pouted.

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