Stilinski Twins Imagine Part 1

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Disclaimer: I do reference a Stydia Teen Wolf scene. Just so you know, it's not mine.

A six year old girl with pigtails tied with two satin pink ribbons wearing a black dress with a sash matching her hair ribbons spun in circles, laughing and smiling at the rush it gave her. A dark-haired little boy with glasses ran over to her and shoved her to the ground, jealous that she was having more fun than he was. Another dark-haired boy clad in a Star Wars shirt ran to the now crying little girl, pushing his twin brother away from her.

"Stuart! Don't do that!"

Stuart pouted at his brother and turned on his heel to sit down behind a tree. The other twin picked the girl up and help her brush the dirt off her dress. She stared into his honey-brown eyes.

"Sorry about my brother, Stuart. I'm Stiles," he smiled, offering a tiny hand for her to shake. She hesitantly took his hand and introduced herself.

"I'm Y/N," she said, shyly.

"Wanna play with me? Stuart won't bother you anymore."

"Stuart?" she asked. Stiles pointed to the glasses-clad boy who was pouting under the tree.

"Ok," the little girl beamed. Stiles held out his hand for her to take. She placed her small hand in his palm and they ran around chasing each other. Y/N paused and walked towards Stuart.

"I'm Y/N. You can play with us if you want, Stuart. You hurt me, but I forgive you. Wanna play with me and Stiles?"

Stuart hesitantly nodded. The girl's eyes lit up with mischief before reaching out and tapping his arm.

"Tag! You're it!" She ran away from him. Stiles watched from afar, surprised that Stuart agreed. 'That girl must be something special' he thought.

"Hey! Come back here!" he laughed.

-------10 Year Skip-------

"Stiles!" Y/N called out anxiously as she searched the Stilinski house.

"He's not here; he's camping with Scott," Stuart spit out.

"Why wouldn't he tell me?" she wondered aloud.

"I don't know, but if I was him, I wouldn't tell you anything," Stuart sassed. She was taken aback at the venom in his tone of voice. She and Stuart didn't always see eye to eye, but they never were this rude to each other.

Her chest hurt, squeezing panic down her throat as she choked out the words, "Stuart, I need him."

Stuart's teasing smirk dropped as he watched her hyperventilate. He held her arms, steadying her.

"Y/N, what's going on? What's wrong?"

Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to breathe. She sank to her knees, pulling him with her.

"Hey, hey, hey, shh. It's OK. Shh," he hushed.

"Is this a panic attack?" he whispered; she nodded.

"Look at me, Y/N" As she did, his hand reached up to cup her face before softly placing a kiss on her trembling lips for a few seconds. He pulled away, relieved to see that she had noticeably calmed down.

"St-Stuart, you kissed me?" She searched his amber eyes in confusion.

"I read once that to stop a panic attack, you hold your breath. So, when I kissed you, you held your breath," Stuart explained, nervously.

"I did?" Y/N smiled at the anxious boy holding her.

"Yeah, you did," Stuart softly whispered, smiling at her blushing face.

"Thanks, Stuart."

"Of course. I would never leave you during something this serious. Even though we don't always get along, I about you," he admitted.

"Oh, thanks. I care about you too"

"Really?" he asked, shocked.

"Yeah," she bashfully smiled at him.

Stuart awkwardly glanced away, still holding her in his arms and subconsciously rubbing calming circles on her shoulder with his thumb. He pulled them from the floor and sat on the couch.

"So," he continued after a few beats of awkward silence. "Ho-how does Stiles help you with panic attacks?"

"Stiles talked me through it the last time I had one."


"Yeah, that was why I was freaking out when I couldn't find him."

Stuart rolled his eyes at the mention of his brother, Stiles.

"But, I am glad that you were here, Stewie."

His ears perked up at the nickname.

"Never, Stewie," he said firmly.

When she pouted, his eyes widened at her expression.

"Well, maybe only you can call me Stewie," he caved, pulling her back in for a kiss. She turned her face, landing his kiss on her cheek. He pulled back, hurt.

"Take me out on a date first, Stilinski and then you can have a kiss," she teased.

"Ok, I'll pick you up on Friday at 6" he blurted out.

"What are we doing?"

"It's a surprise, babe," he smirked and winked at her. Her heart fluttered at the term of endearment as she snuggled closer to his warm body.

"What the heck is going on here?" Stiles voice rang out in confusion at his brother and best friend cuddling each other.







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